On 3 February 2014 the KK Foundation decided on funding for a new research school called FORIC at Mid Sweden University. The programme is granted 18 million SEK by the KK Foundation.
The KK-Foundation granted 18 million SEK for financing the new research school " FORIC " at Mid Sweden University . Along with the forest industry and other industries related to forest industries the research school will contribute to new sustainable products , processes and services.
The research at Mid Sweden University' forest as a resource " is now becoming a business research in close cooperation with the fiber industry. A total of 15 business students will start their studies in 2014 and another 15 in 2016.
The research school will be an important factor in the development of industry-related research at Mid Sweden University , where research is related to the forest industry in the profile area of research centers Fiber Science and Communications Network ( FSCN ) and Sensible Things that Communicate (STC) .
" We will engage 30 professors and researchers from different disciplines at the university to lead the research school ," says Per Engstrand, program director for FORIC .
Participating companies finance their employees' salaries during the research period . An investment that represents as much as the Foundation's funding. All students must be employees at each workplace and be able to use their new knowledge and its new network of contacts within their companies. It is estimated that thirty business graduate students to complete the degree by the year 2022.
" It's a great opportunity. Collaboration with the academia is crucial if we are to evolve as a company and find new products and services . One of our employees participate and develop in his professional field "says Öjvind Sundevall , at PulpEye AB in Örnsköldsvik.
Per Engstrand , program director FORIC , Mid Sweden University ,070-573 67 52 ,
Email : per.engstrand @ miun.se