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Politicians learned about distance education and research at MIUN


Distance education, 3D, apps and talking mailboxes were on the program when the members of the Education Committee visited Mid Sweden University. During half a day they, in addition to meeting the headmaster Anders Söderholm, also meet distance students, teachers and researchers and take part of what is happening both within education and research.


Stefan Pettersson and Nayeb Maleki at the Department of Information- and communications system showed how the interaction with distance students are working.

Distance education

The Education Committee visited Mid Sweden University to see how the university conducts distance education and research. After a visit to the headmaster they meet two of the students in the web development program in the Department of Information- and communications system, which was remotely through web conferencing tool Adobe Connect. The aim was to show how Mid Sweden University conducts distance education and the opportunities it provides to study for those who choose not to read at the campus.

The Education Committee was very interested in how the students liked distance education and how it is that they have chosen to read at a distance and not on campus. Other things that came up were the teachers' interaction with the students and if the design of the programs and courses at distance differs from studies at campus.


Scientists in the research program Sensible Things That Communicate, STC, showed the Education Committee their research on transmitters, radiation and 3D. They learned how it is possible to use sensors and apps on mobile phones, for example, open the hotel door without using a card. Another project highlighted was the talking mailbox that in the future may facilitate the postal work by using sensor technology to tell if the box has been emptied or not. The project idea comes from two of the students in the engineering program who demonstrated their work for the Education Committee.

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