Björn Banck

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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Banck, B. & Nyström, C. A. (2005). Intranet Use : A Study of Five Swedish Organizations. Journal of Organizational Transformation and Social Change, vol. 2: 2, ss. 153-180.

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Banck, B. & Nyström, C. A. (2005). Intranet - Ongoing Research and Future Directions. I Advances in Applied Systems Research : Vol. I: Cognitive Models/Intranet/ 3D Object Retrieval/Steganographic Applications/ E-Commerce. Ontario, Canada : IIAS. S. 9-18.


Banck, B. & Nyström, C. A. (2003). Intranet Use : A Study in Five Swedish Organisations. I Promote IT 2003 : 5-7 may,2003, Gotland University, Sweden. Visby :

Banck, B. & Nyström, C. A. (2002). Intranet - a tool for power and control or a possibility to increase the quality of work. I Promote IT 2002 : Second Conference for the Promotion of Research in IT at New Universities and University Colleges in Sweden 22-24 April, 2002 Billingehus, Skövde Sweden.. S. 223--234.

Nyström, C. A. & Banck, B. (2002). Intranet - a Threat or a Possibility? - State of the Art and Future Directions. I IRIS 25 : proceedings of the 25st Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, 10 - 13 August, 2002, at Bautahøj, Denmark. Bautahøj :

Banck, B. & Nyström, C. A. (2001). Free the User and Liberate the Designer. I IRIS 24 : proceedings of the 24th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia : Ulvik, Norway, 11-14 August 2001. Bergen : . S. 693--710.


Banck, B. & Nyström, C. A. (2003). Intranätanvändning - en studie i fem svenska organisationer. Östersund : ITM, Mitthögskolan (Informatik - Rapportserie )


Banck, B. , Löfstedt, U. & Amcoff Nyström, C. (2013). Kompetensförsörjning för lärande organisationer med fokus på TI