Anwar Qaiser, PhD-student

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Qaiser Anwar is a PhD-student within the research group of Visual Sensor Systems. His intresest is within the field of hardware and software moduls for embedded systems.

What is your area of interest?

My research interest lies in the field of hardware and software modules for embedded systems with the emphasis on industrial sensor networks (Vision). My research goal is to enhance my knowledge and skills in developing tools and methods that could automate the design and development of Industrial sensor and actuator networks (IWSAN).

What is it that you are going to investigate in your Ph.D?

Our objective is to explore energy efficient and high performance architecture for in-node processing in the IWSAN context. In our approach, we explore efficient division of computational load and then investigate its effect on different parameters i.e. processing, communication, energy consumption, performance and complexity. We considered a distributed IWSAN which has spatially distributed nodes with different functions and fixed physical locations. The processing functions can be moved to either sensor or actuator node.

Why did you choose Sweden and Mid Sweden University?

I choose Sweden for my master education because Sweden provide high class education. During my Master in Mid Sweden University, I got inspired to do research in the field of electronics especially in embedded systems. As my courses and projects were closely related to research going in the Mid Sweden University, it was my natural choice to pursue Ph.D at Mid Sweden University.