Publikationer 2011

Skriv ut 26 nov november 2015


Boström, L (2011). How do teacher students for compulsory school learn compared to music teacher students in Sweden? A Comparative Study of Two Different Student Teacher Groups in Sweden. The Quality of Higher Education 8/ 2011 , pp 158 – 178


Boström, L (2011). Learning and Method; Research concerning the effects of learning style responsive versus approaches on grammar achievement. 2011. The Institute for Learning Styles Research Journal (ILSR-J), Volume 1, Fall, 2011, pp 1 – 28.


Boström, L (2011). Students’ Learning Styles Compared with their Teachers' Learning Styles in Secondary Schools. Institute for Learning Styles Journal. (In press.)


Boström, L (2011). Students’ learning styles compared with their teachers’ learning styles in upper secondary school – a mismatched combination? Education Inquiry, Volume 2, No. 3, September 2011pp. 475–495


Boström, L. (2011) Students’ Learning Styles Compared with their Teachers' Learning Styles in Secondary Schools, The Institute for Learning Styles Research Journal (ILSR-J), Volume 1, Spring 2011, pp17 - 38


Boström, L. (2011). Elevers lärstilar i jämförelse med deras lärares lärstilar. En jämförande studie av elever och lärare i ungdomsskolan i Danmark. Pædagogisk psykologisk tidsskrift, no 5/47, pp 560 -580.


Damber, U. (2011) Literature and Empowerment. Antagen för publicering 2011 (aprilnumret) i US-China Education Review, 8(4).


Damber, Ulla (2011). Literature and Empowerment: A Study of Multicultural Grade three Classes Overachieving in Reading. US-China Education Review. 1:1, s. 88-102


Jaldemark, Jimmy (2011). Critical Remarks on Conceptualisations of Online Education. UFV Research Review. 4:1, p. 12-28


Jaldemark, Jimmy (2011). Utbildning på nätet: En historisk exposé. Mer om nätbaserad utbildning - fördjupning och exempel. p. 17-30


Lindberg, J Ola (2011). Teachers professional development and ICT: A comparison of four Swedish cases. UFV Research Review. 4:1


Lindberg, J. Ola & Jaldemark, Jimmy (2011). Using blogs to enhance a dialogical approach to learning in higher education. Education and Technology : Innovation and Research.. p. 11-23


Lindberg, J. Ola & Sahlin, Susanne (2011). Bridging school-subjects and distances in upper secondary schools. Campus-Wide Information Systems. 28:3, p. 144-153


Olofsson, A. D., Lindberg, J. Ola & Hauge, T. E. (2011). Blogs and the design of reflective peer-to-peer technology-enhanced learning and formative assessment. Campus-Wide Information Systems. 28:3, p. 183-194


Olofsson, Anders D, Lindberg, J Ola & Stödberg, Ulf (2011). Shared video media and blogging online - educational technologies for enhancing formative e-assessment?. Campus-Wide Information Systems. 28:1, p. 41-55


Segerholm, Christina & Joakim Lindgren (2011).Tensions autour de lássurance-qualité et de l’evaluation dans línstruction obligatoire suédoise. Education et Societés 28, 1022/2, pp. 53-64.




Boström, L, Damber, U. & Ivarsson, L (2011). Ämnesdidaktisk forskning med relevans för språkdidaktik; teoretiska utgångspunkter, empiriska iakttagelser samt didaktiska konsekvenser. Vad har vi fått veta, hur, varför och hur kan vi använda oss av kunskaperna? (ASLAs årsbok 2010)


Damber, U. (2011) Literacy and Empowerment – Swedish Children with Diverse Backgrounds Defeating the Statistical Trends. i T. Besley & Michael Peters (red.), i Interculturalism, Education & Dialogue. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.


Damber, Ulla (2011). Concordance between Intercultural and Critical education within the realms of literacy education. In: Language Learning : New Research.


Eriksson, L. & Bostedt, G. (2011). Elevinflytande. Utvärdering och bedömning i skolan: För vem och varför?. Stockholm : Natur & Kultur, s. 121-142


Grek, Sotiria, Martin Lawn, Bob Lingard, Jenny Ozga, Risto Rinne, Christina Segerholm & Hannu Simola (2011). National policy brikering and the construction of the European education spaces in England, Sweden, Finland and Scotland. In: Ozga, Jenny, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Segerholm, Christina & Simola Hannu (Eds.) Fabricating Quality in Education: Data and Governance in Europe. Routledge, pp. 47-65.


Hult, A. & Olofsson, A. (2011). Introduktion: att utvärdera verksamheter och bedöma individer. Utvärdering och bedömning i skolan - för vem och varför? Stockholm : Natur & kultur. s. 13-26


Lawn, Martin & Segerholm, Christina (2011). Europé through experts and technologies. In: Ozga, Jenny, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Segerholm, Christina & Simola Hannu (Eds.) Fabricating Quality in Education: Data and Governance in Europe. Routledge, pp. 32-46.


Olofsson A, Höög J, Moos L, Skedsmo G, Johnson L. (2011). The Hurrucane of Accountabilities? Comparison of Accountability Comprehensions and Practices. In: Moos L, Johansson O, Day C (ed.), How School Principals Sustain Success over Time. p. 199-222. Studies in Educational Leadership, 14.


Olofsson A. (2011). Lärares inställning till rektors ledning av skolan. In: Höög, J., & Johansson, J (red.), Struktur, kultur, ledarskap: Förutsättningar för framgångsrika skolor. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Ozga, Jenny, Christina Segerholm & Hannu Simola (2011). The governance turn. In: Ozga, Jenny, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Segerholm, Christina & Simola Hannu (Eds.) Fabricating Quality in Education: Data and Governance in Europe. Routledge, pp. 83-95.


Ozga, Jenny, Hannu Simola, Janne Varjo, Christina Segerholm & Hannele Pitkänen (2011). Central-local relations of governance. In: Ozga, Jenny, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Segerholm, Christina & Simola Hannu (Eds.) Fabricating Quality in Education: Data and Governance in Europe. Routledge, pp. 107-126.


Ozga, Jenny, Peter Dahler-Larsen & Christina Segerholm (2011). Europe in translation. In: Ozga, Jenny, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Segerholm, Christina & Simola Hannu (Eds.) (2011). Fabricating Quality in Education: Data and Governance in Europe. Routledge, pp. 76-82.


Rönnberg, Linda och Christina Segerholm (2011). Skolinspektion. I: Hult, Agneta och Anders Olofsson (Red.) Utvärdering och bedömning i skolan – för vem och varför? Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, s 49-65.


Simola, Hannu, Jenny Ozga Christina Segerholm, Janne Varjo & Vibeke Normann Andersen (2011). Governing by numbers. In: Ozga, Jenny, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Segerholm, Christina & Simola Hannu (Eds.) Fabricating Quality in Education: Data and Governance in Europe. Routledge, pp. 96-106.




Boström, L, Damber, U. & Ivarsson, L (2010). Ämnesdidaktisk forskning med relevans för språkdidaktik; teoretiska utgångspunkter, empiriska iakttagelser samt didaktiska konsekvenser. Vad har vi fått veta, hur, varför och hur kan vi använda oss av kunskaperna?ASLAs årskonferens nov. 2010. Falun.


Boström, L. (2011). Learning styles, learning strategies and meta-cognition; ways of supporting and empowering students learning. Cicero Network, University of Helsinki, Finland


Boström, L. (2011). To be conformative or not – a question of style or education? A Comparative Study of Teacher Students in Sweden and Community Education Students in Scotland. 16 International ELSIN- Conference. University of Antwerpen, Belgium, 2011


Damber U. (2011). Concordance between Intercultural and Critical education within the realms of literacy education : paper presented at the conference "Intercultural vs Critical Education" - Contrast or concordance? 14-17 april 2011, Södertörns högskola. 2011.


Damber, Ulla (2011). Teacher training students with diagnosed dyslexia. Paper presented at the Education for a Global Networked Society, EARLI, 2011.


Harling, Janet (2011) Light on snow, 1 watercolor-painting presented at the International Exhibition by artists university teachers ECNSI in Galleri Karas, Zagreb.


Larsson-Dahlin, Ann; Harling, Janet (2011) How can works of art be used in teacher training to enrich students own creative experience and support their professional development? Paper presented (Best work award) at the 5th International Conference on Advanced and Systematic Research ECNSI in Zagreb 2011.


Larsson-Dahlin, Ann (2011) Cracked Bowl and  Birchforest, 2 watercolor-paintings 61x46 cm presented at the International Exhibition by artists university teachers ECNSI in Galleri Karas, Zagreb.


Larsson-Dahlin, Ann (2011) Interiör and Sprucken skål, 2 watercolors 61x46 cm presented at the Nationell salong i akvarell, Edsviks konsthall, Sollentuna, Sweden


Lindgren, Joakim, Agneta Hult, Christina Segerholm & Linda Rönnberg (2011). Mediating school inspection – Key dimensions and keywords in official Swedish discourse 2003-2010. Paper presented at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) NW 23: Policy Studies and Politics of Education: the Symposium ‘Governing by Inspection: school inspection in England, Scotland and Sweden’, In Berlin September 13-16, 2011.


Perselli, Ann-Katrin (2011). Selections of Digital Learning Resources: One Teacher’s Approaches to a New Technological Environment with Laptops. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, (ECER), Berlin, 12-16th September, 2011.


Rönnberg, Linda, Joakim Lindgren & Christina Segerholm (2011). In the Public Eye. School Inspection Reports in Swedish Newspapers. Paper presented at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER), NW 23: Policy Studies and Politics of Education: the Symposium ‘Governing by Inspection: school inspection in England, Scotland and Sweden’, In Berlin September 13-16, 2011.


Segerholm, Christina (2011). Values in Evaluation – the What and How values in Swedish School Inspections. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association’s conference in Anaheim, November 2-5, 2011.




Hult, Agneta & Olofsson, Anders (red.) (2011). Utvärdering och bedömning i skolan: För vem och varför. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.


Ozga, Jenny, Dahler-Larsen, Peter, Segerholm, Christina & Simola Hannu (Eds.) (2011). Fabricating Quality in Education: Data and Governance in Europe. Routledge.