The members
- Mittuniversitetet, Cer - Helene Lundberg
- Bolagsverket - Karima Rouass
- Deloitte - Lizze-Lott Bergman (sammankallande)
- Handelsbanken - Lena Pääjärvi
- HSB Södra Norrland - Anna Ågren
- If - Maria Edström
- Länsförsäkringar Västernorrland - Christoffer Jonsson
- Mitthem - Anette Bergman
- Nordea - Susanne Olsson
- SPV - Catrin Åsén
- Trygg-Hansa - Nils Ytterström
Existing employees of the companies and organizations involved in the CER network.
Provide increased opportunities for personal development and skill enhancement among present employees and create incentives for employees and organizations to be good ambassadors for the region.