Anneli Hansson
Articles in journals Conference papers Doctoral theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Lindblad, S. , Hansson, A. , Mardones Hernández, S. & Pérez Prieto, H. (1991). Skola utan lärare: : Vad innebar lärarnas strejk för eleverna?. Nordisk Pedagogik, vol. 11: 2, pp. 99-113.
Conference papers
Hansson, A. (2014). Work with school development : A potential boundary zone between activities?. .
Hansson, A. (2014). Work with school development – a potential boundary zone between activities? : The work over time at a Swedish lower secondary school regarding educational integration of ICT from an activity theoretical perspective.. .
Hansson, A. (2011). Going Visible? : Teachers learning at work through the emerging use of wikis. .
Hansson, A. (2010). Expected to become digitally competent teachers : Challenges in the case of a Swedish lower secondary school, with an ambition for whole-school development. .
Hansson, A. (2009). Three years from the top - The beginning of a professional, expanding learning journey? : European conference of Educational Research, 2009. .
Doctoral theses, monographs
Hansson, A. (2013). Arbete med skolutveckling - En potentiell gränszon mellan verksamheter? : Ett verksamhetsteoretiskt perspektiv på en svensk skolas arbete över tid med att verksamhetsintegrera IT. Dis. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet, 2013 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 165)