Ongoing projects within ECOHUM

Skriv ut 13 feb februari 2014

Pathways to Sustainability: Mapping Environmental Consciousness in Literature. Lead Principal investigator: Steven Hartman. Funded by the Swedish Research Council. Time frame (with extension for official leave): 2009-2015.

The Fight for the Forest: Community, Forest Politics and Forest Ownership Rights [in northern Sweden], from 1850 onwards. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation). Lead Principal investigator: Svenbjörn Kilander. Time frame: 2014-2016.

• Researcher Network Grant for the Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES). Economic Management of Project: Mid Sweden University (2014). Project leader: Steven Hartman. Funded by NordForsk. Time frame: 2011-2014.

Då skogen blev mer än träd. Entrepreneurship and Modernization in Hammerdal Community, 1850-1906. PhD student: Anna Stjernström. The project is financed (80%) by Mid Sweden University. Time frame: 2013-2018.

Landskapet, kroppen och språket. PhD student (i litteraturvetenskap): Anna Stjernström. Avhandlingsprojekt inleddes 2011. Studerar särskilt landskapets betydelse för utvecklingen av en estetik vilken problematiserar språk och identitet, genom nyläsning av en rad norrlandsskildringar.

Nature Writing in the Anthropocene, Christian Hummelsund Voie’s doctoral study in progress, English, based in the field of ecocriticism. The thesis project is financed 80% by Mid Sweden University.

• Institutional participation in the project Comparative Island Ecodynamics in the North Atlantic (CIE), funded by the US National Science Foundation. Time frame: 2013-2016; grant managed by partner institution in the North Atlantic Biocultural Organization (NABO), City University of New York.

• Participation in a preparatory grant to develop an application for a Nordic Centre of Excellence in Transboundary Resilience and Capacity-Building: Nordic Societal Security.  Funded by NordForsk. Managing institution: NTNU, Norway. MIUN's participation in the grant is anchored by RCR, with ECOHUM as an institutional partner.

• Pilot project in digital text mining, topic modelling and analysis of the Icelandic sagas as part of the international research initiative Inscribing Environmental Memory in the Icelandic Sagas (IEM), a case study of IHOPE, in cooperation with HUMlab and the Environmental Archaeology Lab at Umeå University. Project oversight: Steven Hartman. Funded through the Faculty of Human Sciences, MIUN. Time frame: 2014.

Bifrost, a series of linked documentary installations incorporating interviews with dozens of environmental humanities researchers, visualizations of environments and environmental issues raised in the interviews, and other sound and visual materials coordinated in multi-screen spatial installation formats that bring together art, science, scholarship and issue-driven public debate elements (click here to see a mockup of the first documentary in the series online). Bifrost is a collaborative production of Peter Norrman, Anders Birgersson and Steven Hartman coordinated by NIES. The project is overseen by Steven Hartman within the Division of Humanities at MIUN in cooperation with NIES. Time Frame: 2011-2015. Partners in the collaboration include Sigtunastiftelsen and HUMlab at Umeå University.