
Print 28 Aug August 2015


Articles in journals

Snyder, K. (2015). Engaged leaders develop schools as quality organisations. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 7: 2-3, pp. 217-229.

Johan, L. & Daniel, R. (2015). Why is it Suddenly so Easy to Change?. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 7: 2/3, pp. 334-348.

Åslund, A. & Bäckström, I. (2015). Creation of value to the society : a process map of the societal entrepreneurship area. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 26: 4, pp. 385-399.

Palm, K. , Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2015). Agencies, it’s Time to Innovate! : Exploring the current understanding of the Swedish government’s call for innovation. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 7: 1, pp. 34-49.

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Johansson, C. (2014). Health Related Quality Management Values and Key Principles of Communicative Leadership - Are They the Same?. Quality Innovation Prosperity, vol. 18: 1, pp. 59-72.

Bäckström, I. , Lagrosen, Y. & Eriksson, L. (2014). Change of the quality management culture through health-promotion activities?. Total quality management and business excellence (Online), vol. 25: 11-12, pp. 1236-1246.

Warne, M. , Snyder, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2014). Adaptation and validation of a positive health scale for adolescents. Social Indicators Research, vol. 119: 2, pp. 1079-1093.

Ingelsson, P. & Mårtensson, A. (2014). Measuring the importance and practices of Lean values. The TQM Journal, vol. 26: 5, pp. 463-474.

Stenmark, P. & Lilja, J. (2014). Designing for the satisfaction of high-level needs : introducing the Ideation Need Mapping (INM) methodology. The TQM Journal, vol. 26: 6, pp. 639-649.

Warne, M. , Snyder, K. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2013). Promoting an Equal and Healthy Environment : Swedish Students' View of the Daily Life at School. Qualitative Health Research, vol. 23: 10, pp. 1354-1368.

Warne, M. , Gillander Gådin, K. & Snyder, K. (2013). Photovoice: An opportunity and challenge for students' genuine participation. Health Promotion International, vol. 28: 3, pp. 299-310.

Lilja, J. & Richardsson, D. (2013). Getting Over the Bridge : “Three Billy Goats Gruff” as a Metaphor for the Start and Development of an AI-Community of Practice in Mid Sweden. AI practioner, vol. 15: 2, pp. 41-47.

Åslund, A. & Bäckström, I. (2012). A process towards societal value within a community-based regional development project. Quality Innovation Prosperity, vol. 16: 2, pp. 71-83.

Lilja, J. & Richardsson, D. (2012). Putting Appreciative Design into Practice : A Case Study of a Course Evaluation and Design Process. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 4: 1, pp. 4-15.

Bäckström, I. , Eriksson, L. & Lagrosen, Y. (2012). A health-related quality management approach to evaluating health promotion activities. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, vol. 4: 1, pp. 76-85.

Ingelsson, P. , Eriksson, M. & Lilja, J. (2012). Can selecting the right values help TQM implementation? : A case study about organisational homogeneity at the Walt Disney Company. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 23: 1, pp. 1-11.

Lagrosen, Y. , Bäckström, I. & Wiklund, H. (2012). Approach for measuring health-related quality management. The TQM Journal, vol. 24: 1, pp. 59-71.

Larsson, J. , Landstad, B. , Wiklund, H. & Vinberg, S. (2011). Control charts as an early warning system for workplace health outcomes. Work, vol. 39: 4, pp. 409-425.

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Wiklund, H. (2011). Learning from others to adapt Quality Management to the future. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 22: 2, pp. 187-196.

snyder, k. , Panichi, L. & Lindberg, O. (2010). On the issue of quality of experience in technology supported learning. Designs for Learning, vol. 3: 1-2, pp. 42-53.

Snyder, K. (2010). Living other becoming me: is it lagom yet?. Race Equality Teaching, vol. 28: 3

Lilja, J. , Eriksson, M. & Ingelsson, P. (2010). Commercial experiences from a customer perspective elaborated, defined and distinguished. The TQM Journal, vol. 22: 3, pp. 285-292.

Lagrosen, Y. , Bäckström, I. & Lagrosen, S. (2010). The relationship between quality management and employee health - : exploring the underlying dimensions. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, vol. 5: 2, pp. 109-123.

Snyder, K. (2009). II nuovo compito dei leader : A new task for school leaders. Dirigenti scuola, : 3, pp. 86-90.

Bäckström, I. , Larsson, J. & Wiklund, H. (2009). Are healthy and successful organizations working accordingly to Quality Management?. International journal of workplace health management, vol. 2: 3, pp. 245-257.

Larsson, J. , Bäckström, I. & Wiklund, H. (2009). Leadership and organizational behaviour : Similarities between three award-winning organizations. International journal of management practice, vol. 3: 4, pp. 327-345.

Wiklund, H. (2007). On Total Quality Management. Kvalitetsmagasinet, vol. 16: 2

Snyder, K. (2007). The european quality benchmark system : Helping teachers work with information to sustain change. European Journal of Education: research, development, vol. 42: 3, pp. 425-435.

Snyder, K. M. (2007). The Digital culture and "Peda-Socio" transformation.., vol. 3: 1, pp. 1-15.

Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2007). A two-dimensional perspective on attractive quality. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 18: 6, pp. 667-679.

Larsson, J. , Vinberg, S. & Wiklund, H. (2007). Leadership, quality and health: using McGregor's X and Y theory for analyzing values in relation to methodologies and outcomes. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 18: 9-10, pp. 1147-1168.

Lagrosen, Y. , Bäckström, I. & Lagrosen, S. (2007). Quality management and health, a double connection. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 24: 1, pp. 49-61.

Snyder, K. (2007). Global emancipation through educational social networks : Shaping a new dialogue of action through community.. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, vol. 21, pp. 1-6.

Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2006). Obstacles to the creation of attractive quality. The TQM Journal, vol. 18: 1, pp. 55-66.

Harnesk, R. , Schön, K. & Bäckström, I. (2005). How successful Swedish organisations achieve sustaniable health. International Journal of Management Practice, vol. 1: 3, pp. 233-250.

Snyder, K. (2005). The digital culture and communication: more than just classroom learning., vol. 1: 2, pp. 1-9.

Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Getting emotional about quality: questioning and elaborating the satisfaction concept. The Asian Journal of Quality, vol. 6: 3, pp. 38-55.

Holmgren, C. , From, J. , Olofsson, A. , Karlsson, H. , Snyder, K. & Sundström, U. (2005). Entrepreneurship Education: Salvation or Damnation?. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, vol. 8, pp. 7-19.

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (2004). QFD as a tool to improve quality control in a complex manufacturing environment. The Asian Journal on Quality, vol. 5: 1, pp. 10-22.

Wiklund, H. (2003). A New Type of Quality Management. Kvalitetsmagasinet, vol. 14: 3

Eriksson, H. , Johansson, F. & Wiklund, H. (2003). Effects of In-Company Quality Awards on Organizational Performance. Total quality management (Print), vol. 14: 2, pp. 235-242.

Wiklund, H. , Klefsjö, B. , Sandvik Wiklund, P. & Edvardsson, B. (2003). Innovation and TQM in Swedish higher education institutions - possibilities and pitfalls. TQM Magazine, vol. 15: 2, pp. 99-107.

Boothroyd, R. A. , Stiles, P. , Snyder, K. & Zong, X. (2002). Service Penetration by persons with severe mental illness: How should it be measured?. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, vol. 29: 2, pp. 198-207.

Isaksson, R. & Wiklund, H. (2002). Spotlight on process measurements. Qualityworld, vol. March, pp. 12-15.

Isaksson, R. & Wiklund, H. (2002). On the use of process management in the Third World. Total Quality Management, vol. 13: 4, pp. 419-426.

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (2002). Widening the Six Sigma concept : An approach to improve organisational learning. Total Quality Management, vol. 13: 2, pp. 233-239.

Wiklund, H. , Bergman, B. , Edvardsson, B. , Klefsjo, B. & Lindström, J. (2001). Låt studenterna vara med. Svenska Dagbladet, : 20 Juni

Klefsjö, B. , Wiklund, H. & Edgeman, R. L. (2001). Six sigma seen as a methodology for total quality management. Measuring Business Excellence, vol. 5: 1, pp. 31-35.

Klefsjö, B. & Wiklund, H. (2001). Sex sigma : Ett arbetssätt för offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Kvalitetsmagasinet, vol. 12: 3, pp. 36-39.

Klefsjö, B. & Wiklund, H. (2000). Sex Sigma inget nytt. Ny Teknik, vol. 2000: 47

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (2000). Editorial for a special issue on industrial statistics. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (IJRQSE), vol. 7: 4, pp. 269-270.

Tang, X. Y. , Xie, M. , Goh, T. N. & Wiklund, H. (2000). Statistical monitoring and decision-making of tool wear processes. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (IJRQSE), vol. 7: 4, pp. 331-340.

Wiklund, H. (1999). A statistical approach to real-time quality control. International Journal of Production Research, vol. 37: 18, pp. 4141-4156.

Wiklund, H. , Sandvik-Wiklund, P. , Mars, T. & Huhtasaari, K. (1999). Project Oriented Education in Industry. Kvalitetsmagasinet, vol. 10: 4, pp. 28-29.

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (1999). Student focused design and iImprovement of university courses. Managing Service Quality, vol. 9: 6, pp. 434-443.

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (1999). A collaboration concept for TQM implementation in small and medium sized enterprises. International Journal of Applied Quality Management, vol. 2: 1, pp. 101-115.

Wiklund, H. (1998). Bayesian and Regression Approaches to On-Line Prediction of Residual Tool Life. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, vol. 14: 5, pp. 303-309.

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (1998). Development of a multi-tooth approach to tool condition monitoring in milling. Insight (Northampton), vol. 40: 8, pp. 548-552.

MacAlister, J. E. , Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. M. (1997). The educational quality benchmark system: A response to issues of at-risk youth. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, vol. 14: 3

Wiklund, H. , Sandvik Wiklund, P. & Karlsson, S. (1997). Continuous quality improvement : An unique cooperation between industry and university. Sigma: tijdschrift voor excellent ondernemen, vol. 42: 6, pp. 16-20.

Isaksson, R. & Wiklund, H. (1997). What is really a Learning Organisation?. Kvalitetsmagasinet, vol. 8: 3, pp. 46-48.

snyder, k. & Snyder, K. J. (1996). Developing integrated work cultures: findings from a study of school change. NASSP Bulletin, vol. 80: 576

Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. M. (1996). Principals speak out on changing school work cultures. Journal of Staff Development, vol. 17: 1

Wiklund, H. (1996). Total Quality Management: Theory and Practice. Kvalitetsmagasinet, vol. 7: 2, pp. 25-27.

Wiklund, H. (1996). Högteknologisk tillverkning kräver ny kvalitetsstyrning.. Magasinet Verkstäderna, vol. 92: 5, pp. 25-26.

Novak, A. & Wiklund, H. (1996). On-Line prediction of the tool lLife. CIRP Annals - manufacturing technology, vol. 45: 1, pp. 93-97.

Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. M. (1995). Reframing school work cultures over time: The Principal's perspective. National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal, vol. 9: 1, pp. 3-14.

Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. M. (1995). Chaos theory as a lens for advancing quality schooling. Journal of British Educational Management and Administration Society,

Snyder, K. M. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. J. (1995). Changing school work cultures: Issues and dilemnas. Journal of the British Educational Management Society,

Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & snyder, K. M. (1994). Typology for principals of learning organisations committed to reforming work cultures. ERIC ED 3723496 RA 025941,

Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. M. (1994). Organizational development in transition: The Schooling perspective. ERIC EA 026 086,

Novak, A. & Wiklund, H. (1993). Reliability improvement of tool-wear monitoring. C I R P Annals, vol. 42: 1, pp. 63-66.

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik-Wiklund, P. (1992). Offensivt kvalitetsarbete : SPS - slutsteg i förbättringsprocessen. Verkstäderna, vol. 88: 5, pp. 44-48.

Novak, A. , Wiklund, H. & Persson, H. (1992). Modelling of Turning Process Based on Acoustic Emission Measurement. Journal of manufacturing systems, vol. 21: 1, pp. 39-43.

Palm, K. , Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (). The challenge of integrating innovation and quality management practice. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence,

Ingelsson, P. (). Focusing on culture when applying Quality Management. ,

Eriksson, M. & Ingelsson, P. (). Creating Customer Value in Commercial Experiences : from the leaders perspective. ,

Snyder, k. (). Exploring digital culture in virtual teams: Implications for leading and developing distributed organisations. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change,


Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. M. (2011). Chinese translation of Living on the Edge of Chaos: leading Schools into the Global Age. Bejing : Education Science Publishing House

Snyder, K. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. (2008). Living on the edge of chaos: Leading schools into the global age. milwakee, Wisconsin : ASQ Quality Press

Snyder, K. J. , Acker-Hocevar, M. & Snyder, K. M. (2000). Living on the Edge of Chaos : Leading Schools into the Global Age. Second edition. Milwaukee, Wee : ASQ Quality Press

Chapters in books

Snyder, K. & Björkman, C. (2015). Systematisk skol- och kvalitetsutveckling med School Work Culture Profile. In Metodhandbok för förskolechefer och rektorer. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitet Regionalt Utvecklingsnätverk. pp. 111-130.

Knyder, K. (2014). Concept maps, voice thread and visual images : Helping educators spawn divergent thinking and dialogic learning. In Cases on teaching critical thinking through visual representation strategies. Hershey Pennsylvania : IGI Global. pp. 387-417.

Bäckström, I. & Åslund, A. (2014). Framgångsrikt ledarskap inom samhällsentreprenöriell verksamhet. In Samhällsentreprenörskap – samverkande för lokal utveckling. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Social Science Reports from Mid Sweden University). pp. 195-209.

Snyder, K. & Cooper, K. (2012). Upptäcka, uttrycka och utveckla genom berättelse och bild: betydelsen för estetiska lärprocesser för pedagogik. In Medier-Bild-Pedagogik. Flensburg University Press.

Kuzmin, L. , Dahlén, L. , Ebrahimzadeh, R. & Wiklund, H. (2009). Comparison of Ski Running Surfaces Machined by Various Stone Grinding Equipments. In The Impact of Technology on Sport III. Melbourne, Australia : RMIT University. pp. 27-31.

Bäckström, M. , Kuzmin, L. , Rännar, L. & Wiklund, H. (2009). Critical Factors Influencing Loss of Time after Shooting - A Case Study Performed During the 2008 IBU Biathlon World Championships. In The Impact of Technology on Sport III.. pp. 33-37.

Lagrosen, Y. , Lagrosen, S. & Bäckström, I. (2006). Kvalitetsutveckling i vården. In HEL : Hälso- och sjukvårdens ekonomi och logistik. Göteborg : Sahlgrenska akademin vid Göteborgs universitet. pp. 112-121.

Snyder, K. (2005). Is dialogue possible online? : Findings from an international study of educators engaged in professional mentoring groups in a web-based environment. In Creating successful telementoring programs. Greenwich : Information Age Publishing. pp. 273-294.

Snyder, K. & Acker-Hocevar, M. (2003). Building International Cultures of Synergy through online social networks. In Global perspectives on mentoring : : Transforming contexts, communities, and cultures. Greenwich, Conn. : Information Age Publishing. pp. 436-.

Snyder, K. & Wagenius, M. (2002). International Connections through ICT : Expanding the training and development of teachers and school leaders. In Internationalisation in a shrinking world : : Contributions of the ITE-conference held at Dalarna University Falun - Campus May : 1-4 2002. Eisenstadt : Stiftung Pädagogische Akademie Burgenland. pp. 240-.

Snyder, K. & Wagenius, M. (2002). Building International education networks through ICT : Possibilities and Challenges. In Internationalisation in a shrinking world : : Contributions of the ITE-conference held at Dalarna University Falun - Campus May : 1-4 2002. Eisenstadt : Stiftung Pädagogische Akademie Burgenland. pp. 240-.

Wiklund, H. (2000). Student-driven improvement work. In Towards best practise : quality improvement initiatives in Nordic higher education institutions. Köpenhamn : Nordisk ministerråd (TemaNord). pp. 162-.

Wiklund, H. & Wiklund, P. S. (2000). Learning and service quality improvement in a manufacturing organisation. In Quality in service conference (7 : 2000 : Karlstad). New York : ISQA (International Service Quality Association). pp. 454-.

Tang, X. Y. , Xie, M. , Goh, T. N. & Wiklund, H. (1999). Process Monitoring Using Double Exponential Smoothing Technique with an Application to Tool Wear Processes. In Control of Industrial Processes.. pp. 194-199.

Conference papers

Johan, L. , Hansen, D. & Richardsson, D. (2015). Design Questions for Life : Connecting Engineering Design, Appreciative Inquiry, and Other Question-based Models. In Electronic Proceedings of the 2015 ICED Conference.

Bäckström, I. & Ingelsson, P. (2015). Exploring the relationship between Appreciative Inquiry, Lean and perceived co-worker health. In Creating a Sustaniable future through Quality : on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2015, October 12-14. Lund :

Snyder, K. , Ingelsson, P. & Bäckström, I. (2015). Conceptualizing a research framework to study systemic Lean transformation : A Critical Review. In 18th QMOD-ICQSS.

Snyder, K. (2015). Vad krävs för att leda en skola idag? : Goda exempel från rektorer i Finland, USA och Sverige. .

Åslund, A. & Ingelsson, P. (2015). Understanding and living by an organization's values in order to create customer value. In Creating a Sustainable future through Quality : on Quality and Service ICQSS 2015, October 12-14. Lund :

Carnerud, D. (2014). Exploration of text mining methodology through investigation of QMOD-ICQSS proceedings. .

Bäckström, I. & Ingelsson, P. (2014). Do Lean Leaders get healthy co-workers?. In 17th QMOD-ICQSS Conference, Prague, Czech Republic : Entering the Experience Economy – from product quality to experience quality. Lund :

Åslund, A. & Bäckström, I. (2014). Factors and leadership behaviours in successful societal entrepreneurships that contribute to customer value. In 17th QMOD-ICQSS Conference on Quality and Service Science in Prague, Czech Republic : Entering the Experience Economy –from product quality to experience quality. Prague :

Löfstedt, U. , Ingelsson, P. , Bäckström, I. & Öberg, L. (2014). Can Lean improve the status of Technical Communication? : Taking a system perspective. In 17th QMOD-ICQSS Conference, Prague, Czech Republic : Entering the Experience Economy – from product quality to experience quality. Lund :

Stenmark, P. & Lilja, J. (2014). Exploring a new methodology for customer- involved ideation with a focus on high-level Needs. .

Palm, K. & Lilja, J. (2014). From Reducing to Dynamically Managing Operational Deviations in the Service Sector : Towards Integrating Quality and Innovation Management in Practice by Ambidextrous Deviation Management (ADM). .

Mårtensson, A. , Ingelsson, P. & Öberg, L. (2014). Can Lean values contribute to Sustainable Development. In 17th Qmod-ICQSS : Part 2: INDEX and FULLPAPERS.

Bäckström, M. , Tinnsten, M. , Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. , Carlsson, P. , Danvind, J. & Wiklund, H. (2013). Sports Technology Education at Mid Sweden University. In 6TH ASIA-PACIFIC CONGRESS ON SPORTS TECHNOLOGY (APCST). (Procedia Engineering). pp. 214--219.

Åslund, A. & Lilja, J. (2013). Towards Capturing and Visualizing Value Creation : Exploring and Elaborating Attribute-Value Mapping. .

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Johansson, C. (2013). Health Related Quality Management values and Key principles of Communicative Leadership - are they the same?. In 16th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS,4-6 September 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia : From LearnAbility and InnovAbility to SustainAbility.. pp. 164--177.

Ahlin, K. & Ingelsson, P. (2013). Information management, Lean and efficiency:  are we focusing on the customer?. .

Mårtensson, A. & Ingelsson, P. (2013). Managers basic assumptions when applying Lean. In 16th QMOD-ICQSS Proceedings : Quality Management and Organizational Development Conference [being] International Conference Quality and Service Sciences.. pp. 1206--1215.

Palm, K. & Lilja, J. (2012). Towards Improving InnovAbility : Elaborating on the Ability to Measure Innovation Quality in Service Organizations. In Electronic Proceedings of the 15th QMOD Conference.

Åslund, A. & Bäckström, I. (2012). A process towards societal value within a community-based regional development project. In Proceedings of the 15th QMOD-ICQSS conference. Poznan, Poland :

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Wiklund, H. (2012). Measuring the Starting Points for a Lean Journey. In 15 th QMOD conference : From LearnAbility and InnovAbility to SustainAbility. Poznan : (QMOD). pp. 146--156.

Snyder, K. , Burden, K. , Beaudry, J. & Kuechel, T. (2011). Cross-cultural digital storytelling: implications for pedagogical innovation in schools. .

Åslund, A. , Bäckström, I. & Richardsson, D. (2011). Managing by Appreciative Leadership to create efficient organizations and healthy co-workers. .

Lilja, J. & Richardsson, D. (2011). Putting Appreciative Design into Practice : A Case Study of a Course Evaluation and Design Process. .

Bäckström, I. , Eriksson, L. & Lagrosen, Y. (2011). A health-related Quality Management approach to evaluating health promotion activities.. In QMOD Conference on Quality and Service Sciences 2011 : From LearnAbility & InnovAbility to SustainAbility. San Sebastian : . pp. 188--197.

Åslund, A. , Bäckström, I. & Wiklund, H. (2011). Soci(et)al entrepreneurship from a Quality Management perspective. In ICSB world conference : Back to the future, Changes in perspectives of global entrepreneurship and innovation. Stockholm :

Stenmark, P. & Lilja, J. (2011). Exploring environmental labeling as a means of product differentiation in the outdoor industry. .

Stenmark, P. , Tinnsten, M. & Wiklund, H. (2011). Customer involvement in product development: experiences from Scandinavian outdoor companies. In Procedia Engineering.. pp. 583--543.

Snyder, K. (2010). Breaking ground across cultures: how visual communication is used to support peer-to-peer learning in an international project. .

Snyder, K. , Panichi, L. & Lindberg, O. (2010). Quality of experience: a missing piece in the equation for assessing learning in a digital age. In DIVERSE conference, 6-8 july 2010, Maine, USA.

Bäckström, I. & Lagrosen, Y. (2010). Are successful organizations working in a way that provides co-workers with what they need to be healthy?. In 14th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2011, Cottbus, Germany, August 29 - 31 2010.

Panichi, L. , Lindberg, J. O. & Snyder, K. (2010). Determining quality of experience in virtual platforms.. In International conference on designs for learning - towards a new conceptualization of learning, Stockholm, 17-19 March, 2010.

Ingelsson, P. , Bäckström, I. & WIklund, H. (2010). Measuring the soft sides of TQM and Lean. In 13th QMOD Conference, 31 Aug – 1 Sept 2010 Cottbus, Germany.

Eriksson, M. & Wiklund, H. (2010). Towards Attractive Experiences. In 13th QMOD conference in Cottbus, Germany, 2010, 30/8-1/9.

Lilja, J. & Eriksson, M. (2010). From problem to Attraction Detection Study (ADS) : towards a new methodology for quality practice. In Electronic Proceedings. Cottbus, Germany :

Snyder, K. (2009). Living other becoming me: is it "lagom" yet?. .

Snyder, K. & james, w. (2008). Global citizenship: what does it mean for schools and social roles in the 21st century. .

Snyder, K. (2008). The digital culture and peda-socio transformation. In Beyond Distance Research Alliance Learning Futures conference 'The Campus and Beyond' . Leicester, England. 8-9 January 2008.

Wiklund, H. & Svensson, M. (2007). The Useage of the Customer Concept in the Service Sector - A discussion with base in educational organisations. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development.

Eriksson, M. , Ingelsson, P. & Lilja, J. (2007). Achieving shared values : Learning from Disney. . Linköping : (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings)

Lilja, J. , Eriksson, M. & Ingelsson, P. (2007). Commercial experiences from a customer perspective : Elaborated, defined and distinguished. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development, Lund 18-20/6 2007. Lund : (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings)

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Wiklund, H. (2007). Learning from chaos : a necessity for adapting quality management to the future?. . Lund :

Bäckström, I. & Lagrosen, Y. (2007). Developing a measurement system for health-related quality management.. .

Snyder, K. (2006). Building a responsive future through educaiton: cultural contributions to a global challenge. In EEERA/ECER Annual Conference Geneva, Switzerland, from the 13th to 16th September 2006: Network 7 : European Education Research Association.

Snyder, K. (2006). Education, communicaiton and culture: developing human in a technological age. In EEERA/ECER Annual Conference Geneva, Switzerland, from the 13th to 16th September 2006: Session 4 : European Education Research Association.

Snyder, K. (2005). Using online communication for more than just classroom learning: What does it take?. .

Snyder, K. & Fredriksson, U. (2005). The knowledge society, quality and globalization: What does it mean for pedagogical development?.. .

Snyder, K. (2005). The digital Culture and Communication : More than just classroom learning. In : media, technology and lifelong learning.

Bäckström, I. , Larsson, J. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Management methodologies for sustaniable health : A case study at three Swedish organisations. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development : QMOD 2005 : QMOD 2005 Palermo, Italy 29.06.2005 - 01.07.2005. Luleå : . pp. 703--712.

Larsson, J. , Vinberg, S. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Leadership Values for Quality and Health - How does McGregor's X and Y Theory Influences Methodologies and Outcomes?. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development : QMOD 2005 : QMOD 2005 Palermo, Italy 29.06.2005 - 01.07.2005. Luleå : . pp. 691--702.

Lagrosen, Y. & Bäckström, I. (2005). Values of TQM and employee health: an exploration and comparison of two manufacturing departments. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development : QMOD 2005 : QMOD 2005 Palermo, Italy 29.06.2005 - 01.07.2005. Luleå : . pp. 371--378.

From, J. , Holmgren, C. , Olofsson, A. , Snyder, K. & Karlsson, H. (2005). What is education in entrepreneurship education? : Paper presented at NFPF/NERA-conference in Oslo, March 10-12, 2005.. .

Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Getting emotional about quality: questioning and elaborating the satisfaction concept. In Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development, Palermo, 29 June – 1 July 2005: 8th QMOD Conference.

Lilja, J. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Quality Practice and External Customer Value : Critical reflections on the ideal linkage. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development : QMOD 2005, Palermo, Italien, 29.06.2005 - 01.07.2005... pp. 281--292.

Edenhagen, G. , Bäckström, I. , Schön, L. & Wiklund, H. (2004). Improving continuing engineering education through institutional co-operation : a swedish case study. In Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education – Tokyo May 15–20, 2004 : 9th IACEE World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education.. pp. 195--200.

Fredriksson, U. & Snyder, K. (2004). Utbildningsvetenskap: Globalisering, kunskapssamhället och kvalitet. : Symposium: Vad är ut/bildningsvetenskap?, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, oktober 2004. .

Snyder, K. M. & Snyder, K. J. (2004). Leadership for learning in the knowledge society: An international experience. : Paper presentation at the Nordic European Research Association, March. Reykjavik, Iceland. .

Snyder, K. M. , Fredriksson, U. & Taube, K. (2004). Measuring quality, learning, and knowledge in the knowledge society : Paper presentation at the Nordic European Research Association, March. Reykjavik, Iceland. .

Fredriksson, U. & Snyder, K. (2004). Utbildningsvetenskap, globalisering, kunskapssamhället och kvalitet. : Paper presentation: symposium om "begreppet ut/bildningsvetenskap" ett fösök att fånga det gemensamma I pedagogic, lärande, pedagoiskt arbete, didakti mm. October. Lärahögskolan I Stockholm och Pedagogiska Insitutionen vid stockholms Universitet.. .

Holmgren, C. , From, J. , Olofsson, A. , Karlsson, H. , Snyder, K. & Sundstöm, U. (2004). Entrepreneurship Education: Salvation or Damnation? : NERA Congress, Reykjavík 2004. In NERA Congress, Reykjavík 2004.

Snyder, K. , Olofsson, A. & Karlsson, H. (2004). Schools and communities in partnership to foster entrepreneurship education. : European Educational Research Conference 2004. .

Snyder, K. , Olofsson, A. , Karlsson, H. , Holmgren, C. & From, J. (2003). Entrepreneurship Education: A Model for Stimulating Learning and School Development in the Knowledge Age?. .

Snyder, K. (2003). Stimulating dialogue online in cross cultural learning communities. .

Snyder, K. (2003). Building cultures of synergy for cross cultural mentoring online. .

Sandvik Wiklund, P. & Wiklund, H. (2003). Increased focus on results and control instead of processes and enhancement : its impact on TQM in higher education. In Proceedings of The Sixth Quality Management and Organisational Development Conference (QMOD 2003) Paris, France 1-3 october 2003 - Paris.

Wiklund, H. , Isaksson, R. & Majstorovic, V. D. (2003). On the Importance of process measurements. In Proceedings / Second International Working Conference "Total Quality Management - Advanced and Intelligent Approaches", May 26. - 28, 2003, Kragujevac, Serbia & Montenegro. Belgrade :

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (2003). QFD as a Tool to Improve Quality Control in a Complex Manufacturing Environment. In Proceedings of The Sixth Quality Management and Organisational Development Conference (QMOD 2003) Paris, France 1-3 october 2003 - Paris.

Wiklund, H. , Sandvik Wiklund, P. & Isaksson, R. (2002). Total Quality Management (TQM) in Higher Education - Lessons Learned in Sweden. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ISO 9000 and TQM : 7-ICIT.. pp. 331--332.

Eriksson, H. , Johanson, F. & Wiklund, H. (2002). Effects of in-company quality awards on operational performance. In The 7. World congress for total quality management : business excellence, make it happen] : Proceedings, Verona, Italy, 25-27 June 2002: 2 b.. Verona :

Wiklund, H. , Klefsjö, B. & Sandwik-Wiklund, P. (2002). Innovation and TQM in Swedish Higher Education Institutions - Possibilities and Pitfalls. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management : Kuala Lumpur, February 17-20 (CD-ROM).

Berquist, B. , Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (2002). Strengthening the Student´s Role in the Work with Quality Improvement and Innovation in Higher Education. In Proceedings of the 6th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management.

Snyder, K. (2002). Distance Education: Different Perspectives of Pedagogy and Technology for Degree and Non-Degreee Participants in an International Context : European Education Research Association. Sept 11-14.2002, Lisbon, Portugal.. .

Snyder, K. M. (2002). The use of ICT for building international social learning networks for educators : European Education Research Association. Lisbon, Portugal.Sept 11-14, 2002. .

Snyder, K. & Wagenius, M. (2002). International Connections through ICT: Expanding the Training and Development of Teachers. : Conference:ITE Internationalisation and Innovations in Teacher Education. Dalarna, Sweden. April 30-May 4,.. .

Snyder, K. M. & Stiles, P. (2001). Transition from adolescence to adulthood in the Medicaid system. In 13th annual research conference proceedings: A system of care for children's mental health: Expanding the research database. tampa :

Isaksson, R. , Wiklund, H. , Dahlgaard, S. M. P. & Dahlgaard, J. J. (2001). Measuring quality with a process model. In Building people and organisational excellence : proceedings of the 4th International QMOD Conference : Linköpings universitet 12-14 September, 2001, Sweden: International QMOD Conference (4 : Linköping : 2001). Linköping :

Isaksson, R. & Wiklund, H. (2001). Assessing the Level of Management Comittment for TQM Core Values An Introdiction to More Effective Change. In Proceedings of the 6th World Congress for Total Quality Management.. pp. 247--254.

Wiklund, H. , Dahlgaard, S. M. P. & Dahlgaard, J. J. (2001). A Swedish perspective on total quality management in higher education. In Building people and organisational excellence : proceedings of the 4th International QMOD Conference : Linköpings universitet 12-14 September, 2001, Sweden / Su Mi Park Dahlgaard & Jens J. Dahlgaard: International QMOD Conference (4 : Linköping : 2001). Linköping :

Boothroyd, R. , Stiles, P. , Snyder, K. M. & Murrin, M. R. (2000). The Health and Mental Health Needs of Service Utilization of Children of TANF recipients. In 12th Annual Research Conference Proceedings: A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base. tampa :

Stiles, P. , Boothroyd, R. & Snyder, K. M. (2000). Varying methods for estimating annual penetration rates to behavioral health systems. .

Snyder, K. M. (2000). The impact of multiple definitions of SED on coordinating care for children with special needs.. In USF COllaborative.

Dollard, N. , Brown, E. & Snyder, K. M. (2000). Identifying Children with Serioous EMotional Disturbacne who are serviced by Multiple Public Systems.. .

Boothroyd, R. , Stiles, P. , Snyder, K. & Zong, X. (2000). The health and mental needs and service utilization of children of TANF recipeients. In 13th Annual Research Training Center on Childrens Mental Health and Conference Proceedings.

Wiklund, H. , Sandvik Wklund, P. , Isaksson, R. , Dahlgaard, S. M. P. & Dahlgaard, J. J. (2000). Company-wide quality improvement : Some organizational learning aspects. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Building People and Organizational Excellence : 20-22 August, 2000: International Conference on Building People and Organizational Excellence (3 : Århus : 2000). Århus :

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (2000). On the application of quality function deployment in integrated supervisory process control. In IMechE conference transactions.. pp. 531--540.

Isaksson, R. & Wiklund, H. (2000). On the development of customer oriented improvement processes. In Productivity & quality management frontiers-IX : Papers presented at the 9th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research, June 25-27, 2000, Jerusalem, Israel. Bradford : . pp. 27--34.

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (2000). Integration of real-time quality control and process monitoring. In The 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems : the manufacturing systems in its human context : a tool to extend the global welfare : 5-7 June, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden : proceedings. : CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems (33 : 2000 : Stockholm). Sth. : . pp. 438-

Wiklund, H. & Isaksson, R. (2000). Process Management in the Third World An Example from Sub Saharan Africa : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Building People and Organizational Excellence. .

Snyder, K. M. (1999). Identifying children with SED using multiple definitions. .

Snyder, K. M. & Stiles, P. (1999). The vagaries of working with administrative data in services research. .

Wiklund, H. , Sandvik Wiklund, P. & Rust, C. (1999). Application of quality tools for course dDesign - : Improvement of student learning and satisfaction. In Improving student learning: Improving student learning outcomes : proceedings of the 1998 6th International Symposium. Oxford :

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (1999). Deployment of quality and productivity requirements in integrated process control. In Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, December 15-17, 1999, Melbourne, Australia.. pp. 70--74.

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (1999). An approach to integrated process monitoring and quality control of advanced machining. In Life cycle approaches to production systems : management, control, and supervision; preprints; ASI '99; Advanced Summer Institute '99, ICIMS-NOE; September 22 - 24, 1999, Leuven, Belgium. Leuven, Belgien : . pp. 150-

Wiklund, H. (1999). Contiunual improvement trough student participation. In Productivity & quality management frontiers VIII : Refereed papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Productivity & Quality Research, June 14-16, 1999, Vaasa, Finland. West Yorkshire, England : . pp. 246--252.

Tang, X. Y. , Xie, M. , Goh, T. N. & Wiklund, H. (1999). Statistical Monitoring and Decision-Making of Tool Wear Processes. In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Industrial Statistics, Linköping, Sweden, August, 1999.

Wiklund, H. (1999). Development of Mathematical Models for Monitoring and Quality Control of Machining Processes. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Technologically Integrated Manufacturing Systems.. pp. 109--124.

Cai, D. Q. , Xie, M. , Goh, T. N. , Wiklund, H. & Bäckström, M. (1999). A study of control chart for adjusted processes. In The 26th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (the 26th C & IE) : December 15-17, 1999, Melbourne, Australia.. pp. 443--447.

Snyder, K. M. (1998). The educational quality benchmark system: useful tool or pie in the sky garbage?. .

Snyder, K. M. (1998). Reliability of the educational quality benchmark system. .

Snyder, K. M. (1998). Construct validation of the educational quality benchmark system: Are traditional measurement techniques enough?. .

Snyder, K. M. & Stiles, P. (1998). Small budget evaluation designs: lessons learned from an evaluation of juvenile addiction receiving facilties. .

Xu, Y. , Nilsson, P. & Wiklund, H. (1998). On the utilization of voice-unused resource for data transmission in PRMA systems. In IEEE 1998 International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, Florence, It., Oct 05-09, 1998. ICUPC '98. Vol. 2.. pp. 1043--1047.

Wiklund, H. (1998). Studentdrivet förbättringsarbete : Tillämpning av fokusgrupper och andra utvärderingsinstrument för ökad studenttillfredsställelse. .

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (1998). A step towards integrated supervisory control of complex machining processes. In Changing the ways we work : shaping the ICT-solutions for the next century : proceedings of the Conference on Integration in Manufacturing, Göteborg, Sweden, 6-8 October 1998. Amsterdam : (Advances in design and manufacturing). pp. 817-

Wiklund, H. (1998). Improvement of the Reliability and Predictability of Machining Process Data. In Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Technologically Integrated Manufacturing Systems.. pp. 46--59.

Tang, X. Y. , Goh, T. N. & Wiklund, H. (1998). Tool wear monitoring using double exponential smoothing forecast. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reliability Modelling and Analysis.. pp. 56--63.

Wiklund, H. , Sandvik Wiklund, P. & Chapman, R. L. (1998). Application of product planning techniques and conjoint analysis on student satisfaction. In Proceedings of the first international conference // World Innovation and Strategy Conference : incorporating the 4th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment ; [2 - 5 August, 1998 at the Australian Technology Park, Sydney, Australia].

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (1997). Design and Application of a Prototype System for Process Modelling and Control in Integrated Machining. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control.. pp. 417--426.

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (1997). An Active Data Acquisition System for Real-Time Quality Control. In WMC97 : World Manufacturing Congress : International Symposium on Manufacturing Technology : ISMT'97 : November 18-21, 1997, Auckland, New Zealand. Millet, Alta : . pp. 60--66.

Sandvik Wiklund, P. , Wiklund, H. & Karlsson, S. (1997). Continuous improvement through company-collage collaboration. In The 1997 learning edge conference. /von European Foundation for Quality Management.. Brusseles :

Garvare, R. & Wiklund, H. (1997). Facilitating the use of statistical methods in small and medium sized enterprizes. In 41st Annual EOQ Congress, Trondheim 1997 : proceedings: Quality - a critical factor in the past, present and future. Bern :

Wiklund, H. (1996). The Learning Researcher. In Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling i lärande organisationer : kursrapport i kvalitetsteknik [D.2]. Linköping : (LiTH-IKP-R)

Wiklund, H. (1996). Development of Mathematical Models for Data Acquisition, Reliability Evaluation and Process Monitoring, and Process Modelling - Predictability and Reliability. In Proceedings. Conference on Technologically Integrated Manufacturing Systems.. pp. 39--45.

Novak, A. & Wiklund, H. (1993). Relationships between product performance and total quality costs. In Production research 1993 : proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Production Research, Lappeenranta, Finland, 16-20 August, 1993 : 12th ICPR : International Conference on Production Research (12 : 1993 : Lappeenranta). Amsterdam : (Advances in industrial engineering). pp. 798-

Novak, A. , Persson, H. & Wiklund, H. (1992). Modelling of turning process based on acoustic emission measurement. In CIM - integrated design in FMS : [papers presented at the 23rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Nancy, France, June 6 - 7, 1991] : CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems ; 23 (Nancy) : 1991.06.06-07. Paris : (Manufacturing systems : Proceedings of the CIRP Seminars Manufacturing systems : Proceedings of the CIRP Seminars ; vol. 21). pp. 47--56.

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

Ingelsson, P. (2013). Creating a Quality Management Culture : Focusing on Values and Leadership. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2013 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 141)

Lilja, J. (2010). The Realization of Attractive Quality : Conceptual and practical perspectives within the TQM system. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2010 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 96)

Bäckström, I. (2009). On the Relationship between Sustainable Health and Quality Management : Leadership and organizational behaviours from Swedish organizations. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2009 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 71)

Doctoral theses, monographs

Snyder, K. M. (1997). A Construct validation and reliability estimation of the education quality benchmark system. Dis. Ann Arbor : Bell and Howell Company, 1997 (UMI Dissertation Series : )

Wiklund, H. (1995). Machining process monitoring : a statistical approach. Dis. Linköping : Linköping univ., 1995 (Linköping studies in science and technology, Dissertations : 398)

Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries

Palm, K. (2014). Understanding Innovation as an Approach to Increasing Customer Value in the Context of the Public Sector. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2014 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 113)

Åslund, A. (2013). Value creation within societal entrepreneurship : a process perspective. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2013 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 104)

Stenmark, P. (2012). Customer-focused product development : An outdoor industry perspective. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2012 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 83)

Ingelsson, P. (2009). How to create a commercial experience : Focus on Leadership, Values and Organizational Culture. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Kopieringen, 2009 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 40)

Eriksson, M. (2009). Creating customer value in commercial experiences. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Kopieringen, 2009 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 39)

Bäckström, I. (2006). Quality Management for Sustainable Health : Methodologies, Values and Practices taken from Swedish Organizations. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Luleå : Universitetstryckeriet, 2006 (LTU-LIC : 2006:49)

Licentiate theses, monographs

Lilja, J. (2005). Quality practice and customer value: strengthening the ideal linkage. Lic. Luleå : Luleå tekniska universitet, 2005 (Licentiate thesis / Luleå University of Technology : 2005:50)

Wiklund, H. (1991). Development of mathematical models for control of machining processes. Lic. Linköping : Linköping univ., 1991 (Linköping studies in science and technology : 275)


Snyder, K. & Acker-Hocevar, M. International school connections : Opening the door for different possibilities and new types of informal mentoring

Snyder, K. M. International communities of practice: Educational leaders in dialogue about leading schools in complex times


Jaldemark, J. & Snyder, K. (2012). Kursverksamhet inom e-lärande : Ett projekt genomfört av HEALTH-gruppen vid Institutionen för Utbildningsvetenskap. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet.

Wiklund, H. (2011). Forskning till nytta. Forskningsessens

Jaldemark, J. , Anderson, K. , Lindberg, J. O. , Persson Slumpi, T. , Sefyrin, J. , Snyder, K. & Sjöström, M. (2011). Slutrapport delprojekt 3.5.1 Forskning och forskarskolan i e-lärande. Härnösand : Mittuniversitetet.

Wiklund, H. (2010). Lean löser inte alla problem. Stockholm : Nordreportern.

Wiklund, H. , Bergman, B. & Klefsjö, B. (2007). Kvalitetsarbete handlar om delaktighet - inte makt. Universitetsläraren

Wiklund, H. , Bergman, B. , Klefsjö, B. & Edvardsson, B. (2007). Hasselbladh missar poängen : Sveriges universitetslärarförbund. (Universitetsläraren)

Wiklund, H. , Bergman, B. , Klefsjö, B. & Edvardsson, B. (2007). Hur kvalitetsutveckla i universitetens värld?. Universitetsläraren


Ahlin, K. & Åslund, A. (2014). Utveckling och test av arbetsmetod för identifiering av nytta och värde i produktionsprocessen i framtagande av teknikinformation..

Ahlin, K. , Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Löfstedt, U. , Mårtensson, A. , Åslund, A. & Öberg, L. (2014). Projekt Kundanpassad teknikinformation – KATI : Slutrapport – med fokus på förslag på arbetssätt och metoder.

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Löfstedt, U. , Mårtensson, A. & Öberg, L. (2014). Projekt Kundanpassad teknikinformation – KATI : Kvalitetsarbete inom teknikinformation – Goda exempel och utvecklingsbehov.

Augusén, H. , Cooper, K. & Snyder, K. (2012). Vinnande Lagarbete i Åre Kommun: Slut Rapport. Åre :

Snyder, K. & Cooper, K. (2012). Berättelser och estetiska lärprocesser: möjliga verktyg för att ändra trenden med skoldropouts of hemmasittare.. Östersund :

Snyder, K. & Cooper, K. (2012). 'What’s going on here'? : A frame analysis of a pilot project to examine why the use of appreciative inquiry, storytelling, and painting is difficult to integrate into the culture of schooling. Härnösand : Mid Sweden University (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier 2012:3)

Snyder, K. , Åhl, H. & Cooper, K. (2008). Idéskolor 2007-2008 flerspråkighet i den öppna och medvetna skolan: utvärdering.

Snyder, K. , Cooper, K. & Åhl, H. (2006). Den Öppna och Medvetna skolan : en utvärdering. Stockholm : (Skolverket )

Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. & Wreder, Å. (2005). Achieving Sustaniable Health Among Co-workers : A case study at FöreningsSparbanken. Luleå : Luleå University of Technology (Research Report 2005:1)

Bäckström, I. , Harnesk, R. & Schön, K. (2004). Empiriskt underlag till forskningsrapporten "hur framgångsrika organisationer uppnår hållbar hälsa". Luleå : Luleå Tekniska Universitet (Research Report 2004:4)

snyder, K. M. (2000). Family Outreach Support Program: An Outcome Evaluation. Tampa : (Catholic Charities of St. Petersburg )

snyder, K. M. , Gomez, A. , Armstrong, M. L. , Dailey, K. & Massey, O. T. (2000). Evaluation of Florida's sub acute inpatient psychiatric program (SIPP). Tallahassee : FMHI-USF (Florida Mental Health Institute report series )

snyder, K. M. , Stiles, P. , Lo, M. & Daily, K. (2000). The transition years: what happens to adolescents on Medicaid who use mental health services?. Tallahassee : FMHI USF (Florida Mental Health Institute AHCA Report )

snyder, K. M. (2000). An Evaluation of the AmeriCORP Arts USF school-based youth development program. Tampa : University of South Florida (Report to the Univeristy of Florida College of Fine Arts )

snyder, K. M. (2000). Reliability and validity of the school work culture profile instrument hungarian version.. Härnösand : (County Council of Västernorrland )

snyder, K. M. (2000). Outreach services for families: An Outcome Evaluation. Tampa : (Catholic Charities of St. Petersburg )

Wiklund, H. (2000). On the Use of Central Composite Designs in Systems Safety Applications.

Wiklund, H. (2000). Total Quality Management in Higher Education Some Reflections on the Quality Improvement Programs at Swedish Universities.

Isaksson, R. & Wiklund, H. (2000). On the Use of Maturity Models in Quality Management.

Wiklund, H. (2000). Application of Organisational Learning Principles for Quality Improvement in Manufacturing.

Wiklund, H. (2000). The Experimental Cycle of Industrial Design of Experiments.

Stiles, P. , Snyder, K. M. & Murrin, M. R. (1999). Evaluation of Florida's Prepaid Mental Health Plan: year 2 Quantitative Report. Tampa : FMHI-USF (Florida Mental Health Institute AHCA Reports )

Armstrong, M. L. , snyder, K. M. & Stiles, P. (1999). Expected impact of the Child Health Insurance Program on Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Mental Health Operations Base Funding. Tallahassee : (Florida Department of Children and Families )

Wiklund, H. (1999). An Approach to the Evaluation of Price Influence in Conjoint Analysis.

Pauli, M. , Melby, C. , Sandvik Wiklund, P. & Wiklund, H. (1999). Hinder för användning av statistiska metoder i industrin. Stockholm : Sveriges verkstadsindustrier (Faktarapport / Sveriges verkstadsindustrier, Kvalitet 1999:3)

Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (1999). On the use of neural networks and statistical methods in the integrated supervisory process control concept.

Ridgely, M. S. , Giard, J. & snyder, K. M. (1998). Evaluation of Florida's prepaid mental health plan: A comparison of Medicaid managed health care i AHCA areas 4 and 6. Tampa : USF (Florida Mental Health Institute AHCA Reports )

Stiles, P. , snyder, K. M. & Murrin, M. R. (1998). Evaluation of Florida's Prepaid mental health plan: Medicaid enrollee characteristics, service utilization, costs, and access to care in AHCA areas 4 and 6.. Tampa : USF (Florida Mental Health Institute AHCA Publications )

Ridgely, M. S. , Giard, J. & snyder, K. M. (1998). Evaluation of Florida's prepaid mental health plan: Medicaid management arrangements in AHCA area IV: Organizational, financial and clinical structures. Tampa : USF (Florida Mental Health Institute AHCA Reports )

Ridgely, M. S. , snyder, K. M. , Stiles, P. & Murrin, M. R. (1997). Evaluation of Florida's juvenile addition receiving facilities. tampa : USF (Florida Mental Health Institute )

Wiklund, H. (1996). Bayesian and regression approaches to on-line prediction of residual tool life. Luleå : Luleå technical university (Forskningsrapport / Tekniska högskolan i Luleå, 1996:05)

Wiklund, H. (1996). On the use of artificial neural network techniques in tool condition monitoring. Luleå : Luleå University of Technology (Technical Report / Division of Quality Technology & Statistics, 1996:2)

Wiklund, H. (1996). Improvement of Tool Life Prediction by Utilization of In-Process Information. Luleå : Luleå Tekniska Universitet (Research Report / Division of Quality Technology & Statistics, Luleå University of Technology 1996:7)

Wiklund, H. & Pekkari, M. (1995). Active data acquisition, ADA. Linköping : Linköping Univ., Inst.f.konstr. och prod.teknik (LiTH-IKP-R 867)

Bjurstam, P. , Bäckström, M. & Wiklund, H. (1993). Adaptive Control of Machining Centres. Linköping : Univ (Technical Report No. LiTH-IKP-I 181)

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (1992). Strategy for Process Improvement. Linköping : (Technical Report No. LITH-IKP-I:173, )

Wiklund, H. (1991). Development of Methods for Quality Control in a Zeiss PMCV-850 CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine. (Technical Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University. )

Wiklund, H. (1991). A graphical method for indicating critical curve slope. Linköping : Linköping univ., (LiTH-IKP-R 658)

Wiklund, H. (1991). Design of Experiments Applied on Acoustic Emission Measurements. Linköping : Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University (LITH-IKP-I 154)

Wiklund, H. (1991). Residual monitoring : a way to reduce prediction errors. Linköping : Linköping univ., (LiTH-IKP-R 657)

Wiklund, H. (1990). Statistical Process Control in Manufacturing. (Technical Report (In Swedish) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University. )

Wiklund, H. (1990). Measurements in CNC Coordinate Measuring Machines. Linköping : (Technical Report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University. )

Wiklund, H. (1990). Use of A'Priori Information in Machining. Linköping : Department of Mechanical Engineering, (Technical Report No. LITH-IKP-I:159, )

Wiklund, H. (1989). Quality Control in Manufacturing. Linköping : (Technical Report No. LITH-IKP-I:156, )

Wiklund, H. & Sandvik Wiklund, P. (1989). Metoder för kvalitetssäkring vid BT Products. Linköping : Univ. Inst f.konstuktins- och prod.teknik. (master thesis: LiTH-IKP-Ex; 756 )