The project develops and tests new methods to carry out improvement work in theme parks that are based on the experiences of the visitors. The research in cooperation with Parks & Resorts is carried out in the parks Gröna Lund and Kolmården, where the experiences of the visitors are mapped in detail by means of GPS and smartphones.
The challenge
The challenge is creating a deeper knowledge about the experiences of the visitors in real time and to use and combine different types of data in the development process in order to improve the experiences of the visitors, which ultimately will lead to more attractive parks.
The aim
The aim of the project is to improve the development work of the parks by adding research based knowledge about the experiences of the visitors. The goal is to develop simple tools and processes than can be integrated into the daily work in the parks by means of modern technology. The focus is on developing proactive improvement work that emphasizes positive experiences.
The benefit
The project’s research results will mainly be of benefit to Parks & Resorts, as they are presented with new ways of carrying out development work in their theme parks. In the long run, the method can also be used for other theme parks, events or destinations.
The research project is funded by the Knowledge Foundation. Adeprimo is the business developer of the project.