Kristina Zampoukos
Ph.D in Human Geography from Uppsala University.
Area of interest
• Labor geography, especially labor mobility and the flexibilization of labor and working life.
• Planning, local and regional development, infrastructure and mobility.
Current research
• 2011-2013 Knowledge driven tourism development, component “Labor mobility in tourism and the effects on firms´ capacity to innovate”. Funded by EU Structural Funds.
• 2014-2016 The Impact of Temporary Work Agencies on the Politics of Work, led by Ann Cecilie Bergene, Work Research Institute, Norway. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
• 2014 -2015 Leading the research project Charging infrastructure along Green Highway. Funded by Swedish Energy Agency.
Teaching and tutoring
• 2012-2013 Guest lecture (advanced level) entitled “Getting personal: Emotional labor in the tourism industry”. Dept. of Tourism studies and Geography, Mid-Sweden University.
• Human Geography B, Mobility, communications and sustainability. Dept. of Tourism studies and Geography, 15 Credits. Mid-Sweden University.
• 2011 Guest lecture entitled ”The spatial division of labour” , Ph D course Theories in Social Science: Place and Space. Mid-Sweden University.
• 2011-2012 Human Geography B, Human Geography and the Study of Tourism,15 Credits. Unit of Tourism, Mid-Sweden University.
• 2010 Human Geography B, Tourism in Time and Space, 15 Credits. Unit of Tourism, Mid-Sweden University.
• 2009 Human Geography B, Transport geography, 7, 5 Credits. Unit of Tourism, Mid-Sweden University.
• 2008, Human Geography B, Tourism, Transports and Infrastructure, 15 Credits. Unit of Tourism, Mid-Sweden University.
• 2003-2004 Human Geography C, Methods in Human Geography, 7, 5 Credits. Dept. of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University.
• Human Geography A/B, Political Geography and Planning, 15 Credits. Dept. of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University.
• 2002-2003 B. A. in Political Science, European Cohesion: The Social and Economic Geography of Europe, 7, 5 Credits. Dept. of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University.
Other information
Supervised approx. 20 student essays in human geography at the B. A. level (Uppsala University and Mid-Sweden University).
Articles in journals Chapters in books Conference papers Doctoral theses, monographs Reports
Articles in journals
Zampoukos, K. & Ioannides, D. (2011). The Tourism Labour Conundrum : Agenda for New Research in the Geography of Hospitality Workers. Hospitality and Society, vol. 1: 1
Zampoukos, K. (2004). Information Technology, Municipal Planning and Geographical Rationalities. Networks and Communication Studies: Netcom, vol. 18: 3-4, pp. 181-201.
Zampoukos, K. (2002). IT, planeringen och geografiska rationaliteter. Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidsskrift, : 35
Chapters in books
Zampoukos, K. (2015). Den attraktiva staden som arbetsmiljö ur ett kulturgeografiskt perspektiv. In Sprickor, öppningar & krackeleringar : Nya perspektiv på arbetsmiljö. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, Forum for Gender Studies. pp. 69-83.
Zampoukos, K. & Ioannides, D. (2014). Making difference within the hotel : labour mobility and the internationalization of reproductive work. In A Hospitable World? : Organising Work and Workers in Hotels and Tourist Resorts. London : Routledge. pp. 11-26.
Zampoukos, K. (2013). Emotional and aesthetic labour in hospitality. In Mobilizing gender research : challenges and strategies. Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 123-129.
Zampoukos, K. (2008). "Det lilla extra" - om ekonomiseringen av vård och omsorg och det meningsfulla arbetet. In Arbete, hälsa och kön. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 61-72.
Zampoukos, K. (2000). IT-planering i Ystad, Helsingborg och på Gotland. In Mot en kommunal utvecklingsplanering? : - fallstudier av Sveriges kommuner. Uppsala, Ascender AB.
Conference papers
Underthun, A. , Olofsdotter, G. , Zampoukos, K. & Jordhus-Lier, D. (2015). Core-periphery relations and organizational commitment among agency workers and permanent employees in client workplaces: Case studies from the warehouse sector in the Oslo area. .
Zampoukos, K. (2013). Young workers´ biogeographies : an account and tentative analysis. In Forum för Arbetslivsforskning (FALF) 2013.
Zampoukos, K. (2013). Labour geographies of young Swedish workers : negotiating mobility and spatial fix in everyday life. In RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2013.
Zampoukos, K. (2012). Labor mobility in tourism and hospitality : effects on firms´capacity to innovate. In AAG Annual Meeting: New York 2012.
Zampoukos, K. (2012). Enclave Tourism : exclusive Spaces or Spaces of Exclusion?. In AAG Annual Meeting: New York 2012.
Zampoukos, K. (2011). Tourism and Hospitality Workers. : The Internationalization of Reproductive Work?. In Innovation Processes and Destination Development in Tourist Resorts, Östersund 2011.
Wall Reinius, S. , Ioannides, D. & Zampoukos, K. (2011). The trend towards all-inclusive and other pre-planned tourist destinations: Does geography matter?. In IV Critical Tourism Studies Conference. Cardiff :
Zampoukos, K. (2010). Tourism and Hospitality workers : the Internationalization of Reproductive Labor. .
Doctoral theses, monographs
Zampoukos, K. (2002). IT, planeringen och kommunerna. Dis. Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2002
Zampoukos, K. , Olausson, F. , Lindahl, S. & Hirvelä, H. (2015). Elbilar, hållbarhet och planering - en genomlysning av norska och svenska rapporter och examensarbeten. Östersund : (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute 2015:1)
Zampoukos, K. (2014). Kompetensförsörjning, arbetskraftsrörlighet och innovationsförmåga : fallstudier av tre hotellföretag. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute 2014:5)
Grundén , A. , Gunnervall, A. & Zampoukos, K. (2009). Världscupen i Skidskytte & Jamtli Julmarknad 2008 : Utvärdering. Östersund : Etour (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute R 2009:20)
Zampoukos, K. (2007). Att köa för en tillsvidareanställning : exempel från vård och omsorg i Högsby och transport och logistik i Helsingborg. Uppsala University, Department of Social and Economic Geography
Zampoukos, K. (2006). Mentorskap inom vård och omsorg i Övertorneå : genus, lärande och rörlighet i kunskapssamhällets ekonomiska geografi. Stockholm : Arbetslivsinstitutet, förlagstjänst (Arbetslivsrapport / Arbetslivsinstitutet 2006:2)
Zampoukos, K. (2005). Heldelprojektet i Piteå : En diskussion om rum, ekonomi och genus. Uppsala University, Department of Social and Economic Geography
Zampoukos, K. (2004). Länsarbetsnämndernas arbete för att minska deltidsarbetslösheten. Uppsala University
Zampoukos, K. (1997). Staden, IT och framtiden. En diskussion om informationssamhället och Uppsala. Uppsala University, Department of Social and Economic Geography
Zampoukos, K. (1996). Agnesberg och Ballongberget. En studie av två bostadsområden i Solna. Uppsala University, Department of Social and Economic Geography