Maria Bogren
Articles in journals Chapters in books Conference papers Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries Licentiate theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Bogren, M. , von Friedrichs, Y. , Rennemo, Ø. & Widding, L. Ø. (2013). Networking women entrepreneurs : fruitful for business growth. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, vol. 5: 1, pp. 60-77.
Bogren, M. & von Friedrichs, Y. (). Trust building processes in women’s entrepreneurship. Journal of Enterprising Communities,
Chapters in books
Bogren, M. , Rennemo, Ø. & Widding, Ø. (2013). Nettverkets betydning for utvikling og vekst i kvinners entreprenørskap. In Kvinnors företag och företagande kvinnor : Tillväxtentreprenörer i Skandinavien. Trondheim : Akademika forlag. pp. 155-179.
Bogren, M. & Mørkved, B. P. (2013). Den kvinnelige entreprenøren - utvikling av foretakeridentitet. In Kvinnors företag och företagande kvinnor : Tillväxtentreprenörer i Skandinavien. Trondheim : Akademika forlag. pp. 109-136.
Bogren, M. (2008). With the target groups as partners. In Partnership : As a Strategy for Social Innovation and Sustainable Change. Stockholm : Santérus Academic Press Sweden. pp. 121-138.
Conference papers
Sörensson, A. & Bogren, M. (2015). Cultural differences among tourists’ travel behavior with focus on their information search prior to their trip.. .
Bogren, M. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2014). Arranging for social capital within development projects for women entrepreneurs. .
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Bogren, M. (2015). Socialt kapital - relationer och tillit - för utveckling av kvinnors företagande. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Östersund : Mittuniversitetet, 2015 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 227)
Licentiate theses, monographs
Bogren, M. (2010). EN UTOPISK IDÉ? : Medverkan på (o)lika villkor i utvecklingspartnerskap. Lic. Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2010 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 53)