3D Signage

Print 9 Aug August 2012

System for digital 3D signage and its affects on costumer behaviour Latest research progress in three-dimensional visualization allows scope for fundamental change in the way all three-dimensional information is presented. This technology is predicted to revolutionize several areas where current presentation methods mainly consist of ordinary two-dimensional displays without depth. Examples of immediate interest are medical diagnosis, product design and construction, digital signs, video games, 3DTV and cell phones.

Mid Sweden University has the last years pursued research on realistic three-dimensional visualisation. The research has now attained a maturity that allows for a transfer of knowledge from academia to industry. The purpose of the project is to be a first step in this transfer of competence by producing a prototype system for digital signage with three-dimensional visualisation in close collaboration with local enterprises, and investigate its affects on costumer behaviour. The project further aims to build a research network with other European research groups and enterprises, which will be the foundation for a deepend knowledge and a broadend dissemination of realistic 3D visualization in the region.














System for digital 3D signage