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Reference management and plagiarism


When you write an essay or a thesis you often use other peoples research, for instance articles, books or student theses. It is important that you always give credit to the source you have used with a reference to that work, otherwise you may be accused of plagiarism.

There are many established systems to quote an author and to write references. Which system you should choose depends mostly on your subject area. Your lecturer can tell you which system to use.

Citing and referencing

You can often create references to books or articles in a database and then paste the reference into your reference list. In both LIBRIS and the EBSCO databases you can create references to a selected record by clicking "Cite". In ProQuest you click "Save, print, e-mail". You can also use Citation machine to create references to books or articles.

The easy guide to referencing
How to cite E-resources
How to cite film, video and online media

Endnote online at Mid Sweden University

Students and employees at Mid Sweden University have access to the reference tool Endnote online. Endnote online is the web based version of the reference management software program Endnote. Use the link below to get to Endnote online by Student Portal Login.

Getting started with Endnote online

Free reference management programs

Mendeley - free reference management software. Available as web based or desktop version.
Zotero - free, open source software. Can be used as an add-on for the Firefox, Safari or Chrome browser or download to your desktop. Enables you to manage bibliographic records in your browser.
JabRef - reference management software that uses BibTeX as its native format.

About plagiarism

How to avoid plagiarism
The Interactive Anti-Plagiarism Guide
URKUND plagiarism handbook