Patrick Millet

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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Millet, P. & Vaittinen, P. (2011). Job Functions of Swedish public and private rehabilitation workers : Their perceived level of importance and related knowledge. Work, vol. 38: 2, ss. 129-143.

Landstad, B. J. , Olsson, I. , Millet, P. & Vinberg, S. (2010). Personal Perspectives on Vocational Rehabilitation in Singapore and Sweden. The Asia Pacific Disability & Rehabilitation Journal, vol. 21: 1, ss. 3-25.

Patrick, M. (2009). Integrating Horticulture into the Vocational Rehabilitation Process of Individuals with Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, and Burnout: A Theoretical Model. Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, vol. XIX, ss. 11-22.

Millet, P. (2009). Integrating Horticulture into the Vocational Rehabilitation Process of Individuals with Exhaustion Syndrome (Burnout): A Pilot Study.. International Journal of Disability Management Research, vol. 3: 2, ss. 39-53.

Millet, P. & Vaittinen, P. (2009). Job functions of Swedish public and private sector vocational rehabilitation workers. Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 31: 19, ss. 1614-1624.

Olsson, I. , Millet, P. , Vinberg, S. , Olsson, G. , Bergroth, A. & Landstad, B. (2008). Social welfare in Singapore and Sweden : Differences in organisational systems of health care, social security and rehabilitation.. International Journal of Disability Mangement Research, vol. 2: 3, ss. 30-38.

Millet, P. & Sandberg, K. W. (2005). Time for change: Can empowerment be a solution to meet the perils of modern day working life?. Work, vol. 24: 3, ss. 291-295.

Millet, P. & Sandberg, K. W. (2003). Individual status at the start of rehabilitation: Implications for vocational rehabilitation programs. Work, vol. 20: 2

Millet, P. & Sandberg, K. W. (2003). Locus of Control and it’s Relationship with Vocational Rehabilitation of Unemployed Sick Leaves in Sweden. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, vol. 19: 1

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Millet, P. (1994). Ledarstilar, kontroll och nätverk i små jämtlandska företag. I Företagande och gemenskap. Arbetslivsinstitutet (Arbetsliv i omvandling). S. 83-106.


Sandberg, K. W. , Millet, P. & Wahlberg, O. (2009). Locus of control of owner managers and business networks in SMEs. I The 17th World Congress on  Ergonomics, IEA.

Millet, P. (2008). Ledarstilar, kontroll, nätverk och finansiell prestation i små och medelstora företag i Jämtland. I Genusmaraton. Sundsvall : (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). S. 73--89.

Millet, P. & Vinberg, S. (2007). Locus of Control and its Influence on Employee health in Public and Private Organisations in Sweden. .

Millet, P. & Sandberg, K. W. (2005). Impact of locus of control how owner-manager's perceive network usage and value in a small industrial park in rural Sweden. I Uddevalla symposium 2005 innovations and entrepreneurship in functional regions : papers presented at the 8 Uddevalla Symposium and the 8 McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference,15-17 September, Uddevalla, Sweden. Trollhättan : (Research reports / University West). S. 559--575.