Malin Rising-Holmström

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Articles in journals

Rising Holmström, M. , Marie, H. & Kristiansen, L. (2015). Skolsköterskans rolltransformering till den nya hälsofrämjande positionen : (The transformation of the school nurse’s role towards the new health-promoting position). Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 35: 4, pp. 210-217.

Olofsson, N. , Rising Holmström, M. & Kristiansen, L. (2015). Assessing the Construct Validity and Reliability of School Health Records of the ‘Health Dialogue Questionnaire,’ in 7th Grade in Compulsory School. MOJ Public Health, vol. 2: 1

Rising Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2014). Transitions in the Swedish school system and the impact on student's positive self-reported-health. BMC Public Health, vol. 14, pp. Art. no. 1045

Rising Holmström, M. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2013). Promoting a relationship-based health practice : A challenge for school nurses. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 8: 1, pp. 30-38.

Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. & Kristiansen, L. (2013). Assessing the validity and reliability of the "Health Dialogue" in 10-year-olds. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 8: 8, pp. 384-391.

Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. , Asplund, K. & Kristiansen, L. (2012). Exploring the development of school children´s health. British Journal of School Nursing, vol. 7: 4, pp. 189-197.

Conference papers

Rising Holmström, M. , Olofsson, N. , Kristiansen, L. & Asplund, K. (2011). Health among 6-year-old children in a Swedish county: Based on the Health dialogue. . (Acta Paediatrica Volum 100 December 2011 Suppl 463). pp. 105--106.

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

Rising Holmström, M. (2013). The Health Dialogue concept : School children's Self-Reported-Health in a Swedish Context. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2013 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 172)