Jonny Bergman

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Chapters in books

Bergman, J. (2014). Emotions and Privilege : Investigating Privileging in Relation to Asylum Seekers. In Walking Beside : Challenging the Role of Emotions in Normalization. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 84-95.

Fahlgren, S. & Bergman, J. (2013). Analysing the doing of ‘privilege’. On normalization and privileging in relation to the situation for asylum seekers in Sweden.. In Mobilizing gender research. Challenges and strategies. Sundsvall : Forum för genusvetenskap (Forum för genusvetenskaps skriftserie).

Doctoral theses, monographs

Bergman, J. (2010). Seeking Empowerment - Asylum-seeking refugees from Afghanistan in Sweden. Dis. Umeå : Department of Sociology, Umeå University, 2010 (Akademiska avhandlingar vid Sociologiska institutionen, Umeå universitet : 64)