My contacts

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Administration, Communications and External relations

Financial Issues

Lena Jadekrantz
Administration Accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Kristin Signemark
Administration Accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Department Accountant
Budget, forecast, annual accounts, follow-up and analysis. Account-coding issues, adjustments and internal debiting. Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Customer invoices.

Lena Stenmark
Head secretary
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices.

Monica Nyman
Head secretary
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices.

Kristina Mehlin
Head secretary
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices.

Ann-Kristin Ringdahl
Production Accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

Siv Lundgren
Production Accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

Benita Elofsson
Production Accountant
ULS, Internal audit, Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

Ann-Kristine Tjernberg
Production Accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

Staff Issues

Gertrud Olauzon
HR specialist
Support within the areas of  labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership.

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Helene Nyman
HR administrator

Maud Magnusson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Jenny Smedman
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics etc.

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics etc.

Archives and Computer Science (ADV)

Communication Issues

Lena E Burman
Communications Officer Humanities, Computer Science and IT

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Hanna Liljendahl
Research Communications Officer Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR).

Financial Issues

Ann-Marie Högberg
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Siv Lundgren
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Karl Pettersson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Anna-Karin Viklund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Archives and Computer Science

Head of Department
Larsa Nicklasson

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
Campus Härnösand
Postal adress: SE-871 88 Härnösand

Visiting address
Universitetsbacken 1
Building E

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Archives and Computer Science (ADV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Master’s Programme in Archives and Information Science
Programme coordinator: Karen Anderson 
Faculty administrator: Anna-Karin Viklund 


Archives and Information Science
Subject representative: Professor Karen Andersson

Computer Engineering
Subject representative: Professor Tingting Zhang

Computer Science
Subject representative: Professor Tingting Zhang

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Mattias O'Nils
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margareta Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Lars P Nilsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues.

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics etc.

Eva Olofsson
Reviewer of travel expenses, as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Business, Economics and Law (EVJ)

Communication Issues

Pelle Fredriksson
Communications Officer Business, Economics and Law, Health sciences, Tourism studies and Geography, Psychology and Social work

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Matilda Eliasson
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to Centre for research on Economic Relations, CER.

Hanna Liljendahl
Research Communications Officer Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR).

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Sandra Wåger
Research Communications Officer European Tourism Research Institute, ETOUR.

Financial Issues

Lovisa Kynäs
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Benita Elofsson
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Lena Jonsson
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Carina Åhlund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Maria Hjalmarsson
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Business, Economics and Law

Head of Department:
Pär Olausson

Postal address:
SE-851 70  Sundsvall
SE-831 25  Östersund

Visiting address:
Holmgatan 10
Building M

Kunskapens väg 1
Building P

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Business, Economics and Law (EVJ)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Programme in Business and Economics, Campus Sundsvall
Programme coordinator: Edith Andresen
Faculty administrator: Carina Åhlund 

Programme in Business and Economics, Campus Östersund
Programme coordinator:  Anna Sörensson 
Faculty administrator: Maria Hjalmarsson

The Administrative Law Programme
Programme coordinator: Eivind TorpBo Svensson
Faculty administrator: Maria Hjalmarsson

Master’s Programmes (60/120 credits)
Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Business Administration: Accounting and Auditing
Programme coordinator: Peter Öhman
Faculty administrator: Carina ÅhlundMaria Hjalmarsson

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Business Administration, Marketing and Management
Programme coordinator: Wilhelm Skoglund
Faculty administrator: Carina ÅhlundMaria Hjalmarsson


Business Administration
Subject representative: Yvonne von Friedrichs

Subject representative: Eivind Torp

Subject representative: Ronny Norén

Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Helene Nyman
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics, as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Chemical Engineering (CHE)

Communication Issues

Marlene Jonsson
Communications Officer Engineering and Environmental science.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Inger Axbrink
Research Communications Officer Fibre Science and Communication Network, FSCN.

Financial Issues

Anna Parment
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anita Zetterström
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Kerstin Gustafsson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Anna-Karin Viklund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Chemical Engineering

Head of Department
Erik Hedenström

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address
Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall
Building S, Floor 3

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Chemical Engineering (CHE)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Programme coordinator: Birgitta Engberg
Faculty administrator: Anna-Karin Viklund

Energy Engineering
Programme coordinator: Kristina Göransson
Faculty administrator: Anna-Karin Viklund


Energy Engineering
Subject representative: Senior lecturer Olof Björkqvist

Chemical Engineering
Subject representative: Professor Magnus Norgren

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Kaarlo Niskanen
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Anna Haeggström
Faculty administrator
Research administration  

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership.

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement, as well as the Swedish award "Nit och redlighet i riktes tjänst (NOR).

Jenny Smedman
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics etc.

Computer and System Science (DSV)

Communication Issues

Lena Ernerfeldt Burman
Communications Officer Humanities, Computer Science and IT.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Hanna Liljendahl
Research Communications Officer Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR). 

Financial Issues

Jokka Flaming
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Karl Pettersson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Lena Karlén Andersson
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Chemical Engineering

Head of Department
Erik Hedenström

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address
Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall
Building S, Floor 3

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Computer and System Science (DSV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Informatics with Focus on Systems Development
Programme coordinator: Björn Banck
Faculty administrator: Lena Karlén Andersson

Software Engineering
Programme coordinator: Örjan Sterner
Faculty administrator: Lena Karlén Andersson

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Mattias O'Nils
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margareta Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Lars P Nilsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues.

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Reviewer of travel expanses, as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Ecotechnology and Sustainable Building Engineering (EHB)

Communication Issues

Marlene Jonsson
Communications Officer Engineering and Environmental science.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Financial Issues

Lovisa Kynäs
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anki Ringdahl
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Mats Barthelson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Britt Edlund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Åsa Lindgren
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Ecotechnology and Sustainable Building Engineering

Head of Department
Nils Nilsson

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
Campus Östersund
Kunskapens väg 8
SE-831 25 Östersund

Visiting address
Akademigatan 1
Building Q

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

The Department of Computer and System Science (DSV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Eco Engineering
Programme coordinator: Erik Grönlund
Faculty administrator: Britt Edlund

Programme coordinator: Erik Grönlund
Faculty administrator: Britt Edlund

Eco Entrepreneur for Sustainable Development
Programme coordinator: Erik Grönlund
Faculty administrator: Britt Edlund

Building Engineering Sustainable Building
Programme coordinator: Sofia Widmark
Faculty administrator: Åsa Lindgren

International Master’s Programme in Ecotechnology and Sustainable Development
Programme coordinator: Anders Jonsson
Faculty administrator: Britt Edlund


Environmental Engineering
Subject representative: Professor Morgan Fröling

Environmental Science
Subject representative: Morgan Fröling

Building Technology
Subject representative: Lecturer Fredrik Hermansson


Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Fredrik Ståhl
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Jenny Smedman
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics etc.

Education (UTV)

Communication Issues

Elin Rodin
Communications Officer Nursing sciences and Education 

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Financial Issues

Ann-Marie Högberg
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Siv Lundgren
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Anki Jansson
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Gunilla Lindgren
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Karin Granlund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Education

Head of Department
Lena Ivarsson

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Education (UTV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Bachelor Programme in Behavioural Science
Programme coordinator: Susanne Sahlin
Faculty administrator: Gunilla Lindgren

Primary School Teacher Education Programme 4-6
Programme coordinator: Camilla Månsson Waldehagen
Faculty administrator: Gunilla Lindgren

Primary School Teacher Education Programme 1-3, Preschool
Programme coordinator: Camilla Månsson Waldehagen
Faculty administrator: Gunilla Lindgren

Primary School Teacher Education Programme, Specialisation Afterschool Centres
Programme coordinator: Marie Frykland & Assar Hörnell 
Faculty administrator: Karin Granlund

Teaching Programme in Early Years Education
Programme coordinator: Catarina Arvidsson
Faculty administrator: Jenny Berglind-Borin

The “Old” Teaching Programme: Preschool, Compulsory School (Earlier Years and Later Years) and Upper Secondary School
Programme coordinator: Hasse Grahm
Faculty administrator: Gunilla Lindgren

Additional Programme for Teacher Education
Programme coordinator: Göran Bostedt 
Faculty administrator: Gunilla Lindgren

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Education
Programme coordinator: Gunnar Augustsson
Faculty administrator: Karin Granlund 

Master’s Programme (120 credits) in Education
Programme coordinator: Gunnar Augustsson
Faculty administrator: Karin Granlund 

Courses & the “Teacher Initiative”

Courses in Social Science, including courses in the subject that are included in the “Teacher Initiative”
Faculty administrator:  Gunilla Lindgren

Freestanding courses in Education, Art, including international students at the Department of Education
Faculty administrator: Karin Granlund 

Courses in Education and Art that are included in the “Teacher Initiative”
Faculty administrator: Karin Granlund 

N.B. Courses in English/HUM are administered by Sanna Jansson, HUV/HUM, and courses in Spanish/HUM are administered by Carina Sundström.


Subject representative: Ann Larsson-Dahlin

Subject representative:  Göran Bostedt

Subject representative: Anders Olofsson

Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Maud Magnusson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Electronics Design (EKS)

Communication Issues

Marlene Jonsson
Communications Officer Engineering and Environmental science.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Christine Grafström
Research Communications Officer Sensible Things that Communicate, STC.


Financial Issues

Galina Westin-Cubelja
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Karl Pettersson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Lotta Frisk
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Electronics Design

Head of Department
Claes Mattsson

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address
Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall
Building S, Floor 2

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Electronics Design (EKS)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Automation Engineering
Programme coordinator: Mazhar Hussain

Master of Science in Electronics Engineering
Programme coordinator: Tf. Sebastian Bader

Electric Power Engineering
Programme coordinator: Kent Bertilsson

Music and Sound Design
Programme coordinator: Göran Thungström och Jan Thim

International Master’s Programme in Electronics Design
Programme coordinator: Najeem Lawal

Faculty administrator, education: Lotta Frisk


Electrical Engineering
Subject representative: Docent Kent Bertilsson

Subject representative: Professor Bengt Oelmann

Sound Production
Subject representative: Docent Göran Thungström



Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Mattias O'Nils
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Carolina Blomberg
Faculty administrator 
Research administration

Fanny Burman
Faculty administrator 
Research administration

Staff Issues

Margareta Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Lars P Nilsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues.

Eva Olofsson
Reviewer of travel expenses as well as the Swedish award "Nit och redlighet i riktes tjänst (NOR).

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics etc.

Faculty Office of Human Sciences (HUV)

Head of Department

Karin Olsson
Head of Division

Financial Issues

Andreas Hallberg
Faculty accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Siv Lundgren
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Helene Nyman
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Faculty Office of Science, Technology and Media (NMT)

Head of Division

Lotten Glans
Acting Head of Division

Financial Issues

Eva Somero Sörensen
Faculty accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anita Zetterström
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Lars P Nilsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues.

Eva Olofsson

Reviewer of travel expenses as well as the Swedish awards "Nit och redlighet i riktes tjänst (NOR).

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Health Sciences (HLV)

Communication Issues

Pelle Fredriksson
Communications Officer Business, Economics and Law, Health sciences, Tourism studies and Geography, Psychology and Social work

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Johan Landin
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre (NVC).

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Financial Issues

Thomas Brännström
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Ann-Kristine Tjernberg
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Ann-Sofie Erixon
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Anna Scherdin
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Anki Englund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Susanne Ståhlberg
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Health Sciences

Head of Department:
Sture Espwall

Postal address:
Mid Sweden University
SE-831 25 Östersund

Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address:
Kunskapens väg 8
Buildings D and L

Holmgatan 10
Building M

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Health Sciences (HLV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Sport Science Programme
Programme coordinator: Kerry McGawley
Faculty administrator: Anki Englund

Study Programme of Health and Rehabilitation in Working Life
Programme coordinator: Bengt Åkerström
Faculty administrator: Anna Scherdin

Master’s Programmes (60/120 credits)
Master’s Programme (60 credits) of Working Life, Health and Rehabilitation 
Programme coordinator: Stig Vinberg 
Faculty administrator: Anna Scherdin

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Sports Coaching
Programme coordinator: Glenn Björklund 
Faculty administrator: Anki Englund

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Health Science
Programme coordinator: Eija Viitasara 
Faculty administrator: Susanne Ståhlberg

Master’s Programme (120 credits) in Health Science
Programme coordinator: Eija Viitasara 
Faculty administrator: Susanne Ståhlberg


Public Health Science
Subject representative: Eija Viitasara

Health Science 
Subject representative: Katja Gillander Gådin

Sport Science 
Subject representative: Erika Schagatay

Rehabilitation Science
Subject representative: Mikael Nordenmark

Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok. 

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Maud Magnusson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Humanities (HUM)

Communication Issues

Lena Ernerfeldt Burman
Communications Officer Humanities, Computer Science and IT.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Financial Issues

Birgitta Ögren
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Siv Lundgren
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Lena Jonsson
Administrator, Education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Carina Sundström
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Karin Granlund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Humanities

Head of Department
Tomas Berglund

Visiting address
Metropol, Building C, Floor 6
Universitetsallén 32
SE-87170 Sundsvall

Postal address
The Department of Humanities
Mid Sweden University
SE-87170 Sundsvall

Send an e-mail to the department

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Humanities (HUM)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects


Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Comparative Literature
Programme coordinator: Anders Johansson
Faculty administrator: Carina Sundström

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Swedish Language
Programme coordinator: Eva Nyman 
Faculty administrator: Carina Sundström

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in English Studies
Programme coordinator: Steven Hartman
Faculty administrator: Sanna Jansson

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in History
Programme coordinator: Per Sörlin 
Faculty administrator: Carina Sundström


Subject representative: Steven Hartman
Director of studies: Martin Shaw

Subject representative: Per Sörlin
Director of studies: Per Hammarström

Comparative Literature
Subject representative: Anders Johansson
Director of studies: Peter Degerman

Religious Studies
Subject representative: Jörgen Magnusson
Director of studies: Maths Bertell

Subject representative: Ingrid Lindström Leo
Director of studies: Alejandro Urrutia

Swedish Language
Subject representative: Eva Nyman 
Director of studies: Helena Andersson



Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Maud Magnusson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Industrial Design (IND)

Communication Issues

Jeanette Lozanovski
Communications Officer Social sciences, Media and design 

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Financial Issues

Eva Karlsson
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anita Zetterström
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Kerstin Gustafsson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Veronica Norman
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Industrial Design

Head of Department
Mikael Marklund

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address
Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall
Building R, Floors 2-3

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Industrial Design (IND)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Industrial Design
Programme coordinator: Mikael Marklund

Furniture Making and Building Crafts
Programme coordinator: Marianne Jämtsäter

Master’s Programme (120 credits) in Design for All
Programme coordinator: Johanna Henriksson

Faculty administrator: Veronica Norman


Industrial Design
Subject representative: Senior lecturer Mikael Marklund

Furniture Making and Building Crafts
Subject representative: Senior lecturer Marianne Jämtsäter

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Kaarlo Niskanen
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Jenny Smedman
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Information and Communication Systems (IKS)

Communication Issues

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information:

Lena Ernerfeldt Burman
Communications Officer Humanities, Computer Science and IT.

Marlene Jonsson
Communications Officer Engineering and Environmental science.

Advice and support within the area of research:

Christine Grafström
Research Communications Officer Sensible Things that Communicate, STC.

Hanna Liljendahl
Research Communications Officer Risk and Crisis Research Centre, RCR.

Financial Issues

Eva Sköld
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Karl Pettersson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Lena Höijer
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Lotta Frisk
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Information and Communication Systems

Head of Department:
Patrik Österberg

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address
Holmgården 10
Building L, Floor 4

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Information and Communication Systems (IKS)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Master of Science in Engineering – Computer Engineering
Programme coordinator: Magnus Eriksson

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management
Programme coordinator: Lisa Sällvin och Olof Nilsson

International Master’s Programme (120 credits) in Computer Engineering
Programme coordinator: Mikael Gidlund

Computer Science
Programme coordinator: Nayeb Maleki

Mobile Applications and Network Services for Android
Programme coordinator: Stefan Forsström

Network Management
Programme coordinator: Lennart Franked

Web Development
Programme coordinator: Mattias Dahlgren

Faculty administrators, education:  Lotta Frisk and Lena Höijer


Computer and System Science
Subject representative: Professor Mårten Sjöström

Computer Engineering
Subject representative: Professor Tingting Zhang

Subject representative: Professor Viveca Asproth

Business Management and Organization
Subject representatives: Docent Katarina Lindblad-Gidlund and Docent Aron Larsson

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Mattias O'Nils
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Annika Berggren
Faculty administrator
Research administration

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership.

Lars P Nilsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues.

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Reviewer of travel expensens as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Library/Learning Resource Centre (BIB/LRC)

Finance Issues

In addition to the administrative staff of the library/LRC, there are the following resources at the Division of Finance:

Lena Jadekrantz
Financial Officer (Administration)
Budget, forecast, annual accounts, follow-up, analysis of the department’s education and research.
Projects: application, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

The Library in Östersund

Ann-Kristin Ringdahl
Production Accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

The Library in Härnösand

Benita Elofsson
Production Accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

The Library in Sundsvall

Anita Zetterström
Production Accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

Staff Issues

Gertrud Olauzon
HR specialist
Support within the areas of  labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership.

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Helene Nyman
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses,


Media and Communication Science (MKV)

Communication Issues

Jeanette Lozanovski
Communications Officer Social sciences, Media and design 

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to DEMICOM.

Financial Issues

Eva Sköld
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Karl Pettersson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Kerstin Nyström
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Veronica Norman
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Media and Communication Science

Acting Head of Department
Kristina Brink

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address
Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall
Building J, Floors 2-4

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Media and Communication Science (MKV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Photo Journalism
Programme coordinator: Per Mattsson

Graphic Design and Communication
Programme coordinator: Kristina Brink 

Journalism Programme
Programme coordinator: Ingemar Åttingsberg

Information and Public Relations Programme
Programme coordinator: Ann T Ottestig

International Master’s Programme in Photojournalism
Programme coordinator: Maria Nilsson

Faculty administrators: Veronica Norman,  
Kerstin Nyström


Photo Journalism
Subject representative: Professor John Kimmich Javier

Subject representative: Professor John Kimmich Javier

Graphic Design
Subject representative: Senior Lecturer Niklas Fagerholm

Subject representative: Professor Lars Nord

Media and Communication Science
Subject representative: Professor Catrin Johansson

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Mattias O'Nils
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Lars P Nilsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues.

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Reviewer of travel expenses as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Marielle Blomqvist
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.


Natural Sciences (NAT)

Communication Issues

Marlene Jonsson
Communications Officer Engineering and Environmental science.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Inger Axbrink
Research Communications Officer Fibre Science and Communication Network, FSCN.

Financial Issues

Eva Karlsson
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anita Zetterström
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Kerstin Gustafsson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Viktoria Lilja
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Natural Sciences

Head of Department
Dan Bylund

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address
Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall
Buildings O and S

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Natural Sciences (NAT)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Biomedical Laboratory Science Programme
Programme coordinator: Dan Bylund
Faculty administrator: Viktoria Lilja

Master of Science in Engineering – Industrial Design Engineering
Programme coordinator: Peter Glans
Faculty administrator: Viktoria Lilja


Subject representative: Professor Bengt‐Gunnar Jonsson

Subject representative: Professor Håkan Olin

Graphic Arts Technology
Subject representative: Docent Jonas Örtegren

Subject representative: Professor Erik Hedenström

Mechanical Engineering
Subject representative: Professor Mikael Bäckström

Industrial Design Engineering
Subject representative: Professor Torbjörn Carlberg

Engineering Physics
Subject representative: Professor Håkan Olin

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Kaarlo Niskanen
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement as well as as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Jenny Smedman
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Nursing Sciences (OMV)

Communication Issues

Elin Rodin
Communications Officer Nursing sciences and Education  

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Financial Issues

Thomas Brännström
Avdelnings- och projektekonom
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Ann-Kristine Tjernberg
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Ann-Sofie Erixon
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Susanne Ståhlberg
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Anki Englund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Nursing Sciences

Head of Department:
Eva Dannetun

Postal address:
SE-851 70 Sundsvall

Visiting address:
Holmgatan 10
Building M

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Nursing Sciences (OMV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Nursing Programme
Programme coordinator: Märit Englund
Faculty administrators: Susanne Ståhlberg, Anki Englund

Programme of Mental Ill-Health with focus on Complicated Cases
Programme coordinator: Annette Björk
Faculty administrator:  Susanne Ståhlberg

Graduate Programme in Midwifery
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Susanne Ståhlberg

Specialist Training Programmes
Emergency Care Specialist Nursing with focus on Prehospital Nursing
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Anki Englund

Emergency Care Specialist Nursing with focus on Anaesthetic
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Anki Englund

Pediatric Care Specialist Nursing
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Susanne Ståhlberg

Primary Health Care Specialist Nursing
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Anki Englund

Emergency Care Specialist Nursing with focus on Intensive Care
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Anki Englund

Emergency Care Specialist Nursing with focus on Operating Room Nursing
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Anki Englund

Psychiatric Care Specialist Nursing
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Susanne Ståhlberg

Elderly Care Specialist Nursing
Programme coordinator: Annika Karlström 
Faculty administrator: Susanne Ståhlberg


Nursing Science
Subject representative: Ove Hellzén

Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Maud Magnusson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Psychology (PSY)

Communication Issues

Pelle Fredriksson
Communications Officer Business, Economics and Law, Health sciences, Tourism studies and Geography, Psychology and Social work

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Sandra Wåger
Research Communications Officer European Tourism Research Institute, ETOUR.


Financial Issues

Birgitta Ögren
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Benita Elofsson
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Cecilia Kankaanoja
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Sigrid Mattsson
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Psychology

Head of Department:
Francisco Esteves

Postal address:
Mid Sweden University
SE-831 25 Östersund

Visiting address:
Kunskapens väg 1, Building P

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Psychology (PSY)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Master in Psychology
Programme coordinator: Anna Leiler
Faculty administrator: Maria Görlin

Human Resource Management and Labour Relations
Programme coordinator: Pär Löfstrand
Faculty administrator: Maria Görlin

Master’s Programmes (60/120 credits)
Programme coordinator: Patrick Millet
Faculty administrator: Maria Görlin


Subject representative: Francisco Esteves

Director of Studies
Anna Bjärtå
Michaela Tjernberg

Contact Persons for the Psychology Laboratory

Francisco Esteves
Jan Lisspers
Jens Bernhardsson

Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Helene Nyman
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Quality Technology and Management, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics (KMM)

Communications Issues

Marlene Jonsson
Communications Officer Engineering and Environmental science.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anna Backman-Åkerblom
Research Communications Officer Sports Tech Research Centre

Sandra Wåger
Research Communications Officer European Tourism Research Institute, ETOUR.

Financial Issues

Anna-Carin Lanner
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anki Ringdahl
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Mats Barthelsson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Britt Edlund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Åsa Lindgren
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Gertrud Nord
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Quality Technology and Management, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics

Head of Department
Fredrik Ståhl

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
Campus Östersund
Kunskapens väg 8
SE-831 25 Östersund 

Visiting address
Akademigatan 1
Building Q

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Quality Technology and Management, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics (KMM)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Sports Technology – Mechanical Engineering within Innovative Product Development
Programme coordinator: Lars-Erik Rännar
Faculty administrator: Gertrud Nord 

Mechanical Engineering – Product Development
Programme coordinator: Lars-Erik Rännar
Faculty administrator: Gertrud Nord 

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Quality Management and Leadership
Programme coordinator: Kristen Snyder
Faculty administrator: Åsa Lindgren 

Skarp Åre, Business and Product Development
Programme coordinator: Johan Lilja,
Faculty administrator: Åsa Lindgren


Quality Technology
Subject representative: Professor Håkan Wiklund

Quality Management
Subject representative: Docent Kristen Snyder

Quality Management and Leadership
Subject representative: Professor Håkan Wiklund

Subject representative: Professor Per Edström

Mechanical Engineering
Subject representative: Professor Mikael Bäckström

Sports and Quality Technology
Subject representative: Professor Håkan Wiklund

Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Fredrik Ståhl
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership.

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Jenny Smedman
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Science Education and Mathematics (DMA)

Communication Issues

Marlene Jonsson
Communications Officer Engineering and Environmental science.

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Financial Issues

Anna Parment
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anita Zetterström
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Malin Bydén-Sjöbom
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Kerstin Gustafsson
Administrator, education
The process to decide upon the range of programmes and courses offered, validation, reviews, planning figures.

Viktoria Lilja
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Anna-Karin Viklund
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Science Education and Mathematics

Head of Department
Kerstin Gustafsson

Postal address
Mid Sweden University
Campus Härnösand
Postal address: SE-871 88 Härnösand

Visiting address
Universitetsbacken 1

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Science Education and Mathematics (DMA)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Foundation Year
Programme coordinator: Tomas Nilson och Torborg Jonsson
Faculty administrator: Viktoria Lilja


Subject representative: Professor Per Edström

Natural Science
Subject representative: Senior Lecturer Magnus Oskarsson


Research Issues

Maria Torstensson
Administrator, management support
Policies regarding the allocation of funding, third-cycle courses and study programmes.

Kaarlo Niskanen
Vice Dean
Allocation of funding

Staff Issues

Margaretha Rumm
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership.

Eva Olofsson
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement as well as the Swedish award “nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst” (NOR).

Jenny Smedman
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Social Sciences (SHV)

Communication Issues

Jeanette Lozanovski
Communications Officer Social sciences, Media and design 

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Hanna Liljendahl
Research Communications Officer Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR).

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Sandra Wåger
Research Communications Officer European Tourism Research Institute, ETOUR.

Financial Issues

Monica Källström
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Anki Ringdahl
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Cecilia Kankaanoja
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Carina Ring
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Lena Jörgensen
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Social Sciences

Head of Department:
Pär Olausson

Postal address:
831 25

Visiting address:
Kunskapens väg 1
Building P

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Social Sciences (SHV)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Criminology Programme
Programme coordinator: Mia Lindberg, Leif Franzén
Faculty administrator: Carina Ring

Human Resource Management and Labour Relations
Programme coordinator: Angelika Sjöstedt-Landén (sociology), Olov Hemmingson (sociology),
Pär Löfstrand (psychology)
Faculty administrator: Lena Jörgensen (sociology), Maria Görlin (psychology)

Programme of Risk and Crisis Management
Programme coordinator: Jörgen Sparf
Faculty administrator: Lena Jörgensen

Social Science Programme
Programme coordinator: Karin Jarnkvist (sociology), Gustav Lidén (political science)
Faculty administrator: Carina Ring

Master’s Programmes (60/120 credits)
Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Sociology
Programme coordinator: Roine Johansson
Faculty administrator: Carina Ring, Lena Jörgensen

Master’s Programme (60 credits) in Political Sciences
Programme coordinator: Ingemar Wörlund
Faculty administrator: Carina Ring , Lena Jörgensen

Gender Studies
Director of studies: Gunilla Olofsdotter
Subject representative: Katarina Giritli-Nygren

Director of studies: Ann-Sofie Erixon
Subject representative: Susanne Strand

Director of studies: Gunilla Olofsdotter
Subject representative: Roine Johansson

Political Science
Director of studies: Sara Nyhlén 
Subject representative: Åsa von Schoultz

Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Helene Nyman
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Social Work (SOA)

Communication Issues

Pelle Fredriksson
Communications Officer Business, Economics and Law, Health sciences, Tourism studies and Geography, Psychology and Social work

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Financial Issues

Pia Bylander
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Benita Elofsson
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Anna-Lena Suorra
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Elsa Larsson
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Mona Larsson
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Social Work

Head of Department:
Ulf Engqvist

Postal address:
SE-831 25 Östersund

Visiting address:
Studentplan 5
Building E

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Social Work (SOA)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Social Work Education
Programme coordinator: Charlotte Persson


Social Work
Subject representative: Masoud Kamali

Faculty administrator: Mona Larsson (students admitted for the spring semester) and
Tobias Ohlsson (students admitted for the autumn semester)

Research Issues

Maria Evans
Questions and decisions concerning the Board of Education on a Research Level (RUF).

Katarina Rydén
Research administration, for example Ladok.

Staff Issues

Anders Sandberg
HR specialist
Support within the areas of labour law, regulations and agreements, salary, working environment, rehabilitation, negotiation, supply of competence, recruitment, leadership

Helene Nyman
HR administrator
Administrative support for issues regarding employment, recruitment, the self-reporting system as well as other HR issues. Inspection of travel expenses, reimbursement etc.

Violeth Lindström
Payroll specialist
Support within the areas of salary and salary payment, pension, the self-reporting system, statistics.

Tourism Studies and Geography (TUG)

Communications Issues

Pelle Fredriksson
Communications Officer Business, Economics and Law, Health sciences, Tourism studies and Geography, Psychology and Social work

Advice and support within the areas of student recruitment and education information.

Anders Mossing
Research Communications Officer – communication operational support to HUV researchers who are not part of a research centre.

Sandra Wåger
Research Communications Officer European Tourism Research Institute, ETOUR.

Financial Issues

Pia Bylander
Department and project accountant
Budget, forecasts, annual accounts, follow-up, analysing the department’s education and research.
Projects: applications, calculations, follow-up and analysis, orders. Account-coding issues.

Benita Elofsson
Production accountant
Electronic Invoice Handling (EFH) – suppliers’ invoices. Account-coding delivery invoices, account fields 1-2. Customer invoices, including re-invoicing expenses for external parties. Payments and adjustments.

First-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes Issues

Eva Staffansson
Administrator, education
Atlas, syllabuses, programme syllabuses, courses and programmes offered.

Anna-Lena Suorra
Administrator, education
Production planning, education forecasts, validation, follow-up.

Lena Jörgensen
Faculty administrator
Academic administration

Head of Department and Visiting and Postal Addresses

Contact the Department of Tourism Studies and Geography

Head of Department:
Daniel Laven

Postal address:
SE-831 25 Östersund

Visiting address:
Kunskapens väg 1
Building P

Programme Coordinators, Subject Representatives and Faculty Administrators

Department of Tourism Studies and Geography (TUG)

Contact persons for questions regarding our programmes and subjects

Tourism and Destination Development
Programme coordinator: Anna Gudmundsson Hillman
Faculty administrator: Lena Jörgensen

Outdoor and Adventure Management