Anders Flykt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
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Artiklar i tidskrifter
Esteves, F. , Arriaga, P. , Carneiro, P. & Flykt, A. (2010). Emotional responses (verbal and psychophysiological) to pictures of food stimuli. Psicologia, vol. 24: 2, ss. 89-111.
Flykt, A. , Dan, E. S. & Scherer, K. R. (2009). Using a probe detection task to assess the timing of intrinsic pleasantness appraisals. Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 68: 3, ss. 161-171.
Flykt, A. & Bjärtå, A. (2008). The time course of resource allocation in spider fearful participants during fear reactions. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 22: 7, ss. 1381-1400.
Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. R. (2007). First Evidence for Differential and Sequential Efferent Effects of stimulus relevance and goal conduciveness appraisal. Biological Psychology, vol. 74: 3, ss. 347-357.
Flykt, A. , Esteves, F. & Öhman, A. (2007). Skin Conductance Responses to Masked Conditioned stimuli : Phylogenetic/Ontogenetic Factors versus a Joint Dimension of Threat Imminence?. Biological Psychology, vol. 74: 3, ss. 328-336.
Flykt, A. (2006). Preparedness for action : Responding to the snake in the grass. American Journal of Psychology, vol. 119: 1, ss. 29-43.
Scherer, K. , Dan, E. & Flykt, A. (2006). What Determines a Feeling's Position in Affective Space? : A case for appraisal. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 20: 1, ss. 92-113.
Flykt, A. & Caldara, R. (2006). Tracking fear in snake and spider fearful participants during visual search : A multi-response domain study. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 20: 8, ss. 1075-1091.
Flykt, A. (2005). Visual search with biological threat stimuli : Accuracy, reaction times, and heart rate changes.. Emotion, vol. 5: 3, ss. 349-353.
Öhman, A. , Flykt, A. & Esteves, F. (2001). Emotion drives attention : Detecting the snake in the grass. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 130: 3, ss. 466-478.
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Öhman, A. , Flykt, A. & Lundqvist, D. (2000). Unconscious emotion : Evolutionary perspectives, psychophysiological data, and neuropsychological mechanisms. I The Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion. New York : Oxford University Press.
Bjärtå, A. , Bernhardsson, J. , Eriksson, L. & Flykt, A. (2005). Potenial biological threats, fear, and perceptual factors.. .
Scherer, K. , Roesch, E. & Flykt, A. (2005). Using Computational models to disambiguate emotion theories. : presentation at ISRE 2005, Bari, Italy.. .
Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. (2005). First Evidence for Differential and Sequential Efferent Effects of Goal Relevance and Goal Conduciveness Appraisal. : Poster presented at ISRE 2005, Bari, Italy.. .
Dan, E. , Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. (2005). ON USING RT AND FACIAL EMG TO EXAMINE THETEMPORAL SEQUENCE OF NOVELTY AND VALENCE APPRAISAL : Presentation at the SPR-meeting. .
Flykt, A. (2004). Preparedness to act on fear-relevant stimuli : Meeting abstract. I PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. (Psychophysiologi). S. S19--S19.
Robalo, S. , Frere, C. , Carneiro, P. , Ferreira, P. , Flykt, A. & Esteves, F. (2003). Emotional responses to food-related pictures in young female subjects.. I Abstracts of the IIIrd Congress of the Spanish Society of Psychophysiology. (JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY). S. 51--51.
Flykt, A. (2003). Emotion drives automatized motor activity: Responding to the snake in the grass.. .
Esteves, F. , Carneiro, P. , Ferreira, P. A. & Flykt, A. (2002). Skin conductance responses and heart rate changes to food-related stimuli : Meeting abstract. I International Journal of Psychophysiology.. S. 163--163.
Berhardsson, J. , Bjärtå, A. & Flykt, A. Visual search with schematic faces: Perceptual artifacts