Password Policy

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The password can be changed at any time but must be changed at least every 90 days. Users will be informed when it is time to change the password.

You can choose a new password when ever you want. When changing your password you should be careful to follow rules:

  • Your password must have at least eight characters.
  • The first eight characters have to contain at least two characters each of at least three of the following four character groups.

BAKved99 is one example which follows this policy. Character group 1: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ (CAPITALS)
Character group 2: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz (small letters)
Character group 3: 0123456789 (numbers)
Character group 4: !( ) = - _ * (only this special characters)

Characters 1,2,3 come from group 1
Characters 4,5,6 from group 2
Characters 7,8 from group 3