Javier Brugés is a new PhD-student within the research project SURF - Surface characterization of industrial large area products. He will explore optical measurement techniques that will lead to an improvement in the production of different materials. The goal is that his research will contribute on the standardization of new methods for the evolving field of industrial metrology.
What is your area of interest?
I am interested in the field of optical systems applied to industrial metrology. My previous experience as electrical engineer was in the field of automation and it has recently complemented with an academic preparation and a research training in optics and photonics.
What is it that you are going to investigate in your Ph.D?
The main topic of my research will be surface characterization of transparent and high-gloss materials. There are big changes happening in the printed industry with the new transparent films technologies, i.e. in printed electronics to create thin field transistors or flexible displays for consumer applications, and here is where this topic becomes relevant. This is a challenging and exciting topic, where exploring and adapting optical measurement techniques, that are not invasive to the product, will lead to an improvement in the production of this materials. We hope with this research to contribute on the standardization of new methods for the evolving field of industrial metrology.
Why did you choose Sweden and Mid Sweden University?
Actually my first step was to look for an interesting project that could match my academic and professional experience. Once I found it and I realized that will be in Sweden, it was just a simple choice. Sweden is well known for its beautiful landscape and high quality education system, as well as a balance between life and work. It will not be my first adventure in a different cultural background and succeeded, but I enjoy learning about new cultures and traveling and meanwhile in the process learn to love the place where I choose to live.