Business Innovation Day

Save favourite Print 18 Mar March 2015
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Take a chance and report a challenge that your organization is facing, and discuss solutions with the Mid Sweden University's leading experts. It may for example be a product that needs to be developed, a new service or a working method that needs to be streamlined.The challenge should be within sensor-based systems and services or fiber based materials and manufacturing processes. A unique opportunity for industry and researchers to meet, exchange knowledge and ideas.

How to apply a business challenge

To be able to match your business challenge with the right researchers, we want you register your interest in advance. A description of the challenge along with brief background information sent to Mid Sweden University who then match up your challenge with the best researchers in the field. Here are some examples of how business challenges might look like:

  • How can our company provide more detailed information on when we deliver our packages to our customers?
  • To improve our manufacturing process, we need to early identify damage and abrasion on selected components or machine parts, what kind of technologies could be used?
  • Our company offers a dust-repellent paper that we also would like to make fireproof, what preconditions are there?

On the day of the meeting

Before the day of the meeting the challenges are matched together with appropriate researchers in the field in order to create the best possible conditions to find the great solutions to your challenges. During the meeting, researchers and representatives from your company, meet for one hour to discuss possible solutions. The group consists of 4-10 people with researchers, business representatives and a process leader that is responsible to bring the discussion forward and document it. The workshop is not open to anyone else to participate in. After the workshop, there is time for the participants to mingle with other companies or to follow up the discussion with the researchers.

The result

One month after the Business Innovation Day, you get access to the documentation that include the conclusions, suggestions for the next step and offer you a follow-up meeting. Mid Sweden University may offers support to kick-start a research project or other forms of cooperation in order to help you to solve your challenges and create new innovation.

What is the value for the company?

It's your questions or challenges that are in focus of the Business Innovation Day. Leading researchers in the field will propose solutions, new approaches, ideas, scientific methods and techniques that are invaluable for further development. You also get access to unique expertise through national and international research networks. Mid Sweden University wants to give you a greater understanding of the opportunities for innovation available through partnerships, as well as contract research and discuss financing options.


Of course your company will have full confidentiality regarding your challenge. The business challenge is conducted in a private room with only the company and the researchers present. NDA/confidentiality agreement is prepared if needed and the ownership of new results or ideas developed within Business Innovation day addressed to the company.

Business Innovation Day is arranged by:

Mid Sweden University’s Research center FSCN och STC together with innovation environments: Fiber Optic Valley, Biobusiness Arena, Åkroken Science Park and Åkroken Business Incubator.

Funded by:

European Regional Developing fund, KK Foundation, Länsstyrelsen Västernorrland, Region Gävleborg, Tillväxtverket, Vinnova

Get the program in PDF

Program for October 12 2015

On October 12 2015 it is time for our meeting for Business Innovation Day. This is the program for the day:

9.30 Registration

10.00 Introduction to Business Innovation Day

10.45 Coffee

11.00 Workshop 1

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Workshop 2

14.00 Coffee

14.30 Workshop 3

15.30 Gaming technology with Susanne Timsjö, ABB

16.45 After Business Quality Hotel Qbar

Companies that have challenged our researchers

ICT Networks
In Situ
Sundsvalls Kommun


Christine Grafström, communication manager STC Mittuniversitetet
+46 72-210 32 12, e-mail

Inger Axbrink, communication manager FSCN Mittuniversitetet
+46 70-393 16 43, e-mail

Frida Niska, kommunikatör BioBusiness Arena
+46 70-610 44 83, e-mail

Susanne Nylén, kluster Coordinator Fiber Optic Valley
+46 70-689 57 71, e-mail

Robert Norgren, Ragn-Sells

Foric doktornad

"Business Innovation Day is a very good and easy way to get contact with important knowledge for a company that want to develop knowledge in products and services."

Read the interview

Björn Östberg, In Situ

Björn Östberg

What do you think about the BID-concept?

The most important with the concept is not that it leads to a new product directly, it is in the interaction between academia and industry where the potential is. It is when we work together as opportunities are created and we become powerful internationally.

Read the interview