Collaboration, other disciplines and research centers

Save favourite Print 26 Nov November 2013

ETOUR staff actively collaborates with other disciplines and research centers within and outside of Mid Sweden University. This type of collaboration reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the field of tourism and these collaborative relationships are typically formed in response to specific research needs. ETOUR collaborate with leading scientific partners as following:

University of Applied Sciences, Weingarten-Ravensburg (Germany); Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt (Austria); University of Innsbruk (Austria); Georg August University (Germany); Free University of Bolzano (Italy); Universitá della Svizzera Italiana (Italy); The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (China); University of Wollongong (Australia); Bournemouth University (UK); Bocconi University (Italy); Lakehead University (Canada); Oregon State University (USA); Finnish Forest Research Institute (Finland); University of Vermont (USA); Conservation Study Institute (National Park Service, USA); Kinneret College On the Sea of Galilee (Israel); Center for Tourism, University of Gothenburg (Sweden); University of North Carolina-Greensboro (USA); Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia); Arizona State University (USA); University of Oslo (Norway); Flinders University (Australia); Haskayne (Canada); University of Rovira I Virgili (Spain); Hebrew University (Jerusalem); Delft University of Technology (Netherlands); University of Southern Denmark (Denmark); Lund University (Sweden); Umeå University (Sweden); Karlstad University (Sweden); Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (Sweden); Swedish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden); University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA); New Zealand Tourism Research Institute (New Zealand); University of Seville (Spain); Missouri State University (USA); Universität eichst ätt/ingolstad (Germany); University of Christchurh (New Zealand); University of Lithuania (Lithuania); Imperial College (UK); University of Bolgna (Italy), Nordlandsforskning (Norway), Alexandra Institute (Denmark), JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Icelandic Tourism Research Centre (Iceland), Agderforskning (Norway).