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Spara favorit Skriv ut 24 feb februari 2016

Major projects

FORE - Forest as a Resource

A concept based on mechanical pulp production using traditional and new fiber-based products which can be produced in synergy with, for example, extraction of chemicals, bio-energy, synthetic gas,electricity or minerals.


– Energy Efficiency in Mechanical Pulping is a research program initiated by the leading producers of mechanical pulp in Scandinavia.

  • e2mp-i – This part of the program will be executed along two main roadmaps, one with incremental improvements in existing processes and the other looking for radically new process solutions.

  • e2mp-rp – The objective of this part is to demonstrate how it would be possible to reduce the energy consumed in producing products based on mechanical and chemimechanical pulps, without degrading the functional properties of the final products. The research will largely be performed in pilot and demonstration scale in a series of projects demonstrating how to improve the electrical energy efficiency.

  • e2mp-ox – The basic idea of this project is to develop and support mill scale implementation of technology for achieving minimum 25% reduction in energy consumption for production of mechanical pulp while maintaining pulp quality and avoiding negative environmental impacts. This part of the program is handled by PFI-Paper and Fibre Research Institute in Norway.