Our research centre FSCN and the industrial research school FORIC were part of the program. Here are some photos from the day at Gröna Lund in Stockholm.
Our tent together with FPIRC, KTH, Chalmers and Karlstad University. Anna Haeggström, Kaarlo Niskanen, Birgitta Engberg and Inger Axbrink worked in the tent this day.
Lena Philipsson and Orup closed the conference at Gröna Lund.
Our industry employed researcher Magnus Larsson, in the research school Foric, presented his research project at the stage. All PhD students in Foric joined the meeting and did also have their general assemble.
Many inspiring meetings in our tent during the day.
The PhD students from KTH produced soft icecream with nitrogen for the guests.
Read more about the conference and SPCI
The science RAP at SPCI and Friends