The research group in Surface and Colloid Engineering has received funding for two new projects that focus on producing biocomposite materials from cellulose. The research is funded from Vetenskapsrådet and Formas.
Vetenskapsrådet supports the research project "CELLO - Native cellulose's interplay in materials and dispersions" with a total of 3.8 MSEK over four years. Fundamental understanding of chemistry will be studied and examinations will be conducted in the project where the overall aim is to study and explain the intra- and intermolecular interactions of cellulose which occur during the dissolution, the dispersions and the production of new biocomposite.
The same research group have also got 3 MSEK over three years in funding from FORMAS for a research project called Novo Cell – "Novel use of native cellulose in dispersions and functional biocomposites". The project will specifically focus on studying cationic biopolymers cellulose and the manufacture of biocomposite material with bioactive properties.
For more information contact Magnus Norgren, e-mail magnus.norgren@miun.se