Our PhD Student Amanda Mattsson is the Winner of the Gunnar Sundblad session för young researchers on Ekmandagarna in Stockholm 2016. The competition was organized in a Pecha Kucha-concept.
Amanda is the winner of the Pecha Kucha competition for PhD students at Ekmandagarna. She had eight competitors from Chalmers, KTH, Karlstad and Umeå. The PhD students used 20 slides in 20 sek each to describe their research. The prize is a travel-scholarship of 50.000 sek. Here are some photos from the competition.
Photo: Camilla Sinivaara, SPCI
Photo: Camilla Sinivaara, SPCI
Joakim Engström, Ph D student from KTH won the second prize. Here together with Amanda.
Read more about Ekmandagarna in Stockholm.
Congratulations Amanda!