Realistic 3D

The research at Realistic 3D is on Multidimensional Imaging and Visualization with focus on Multiscopic 3D Capture, Coding and Visualization.
The research group Realistic 3D is developing future 3D visualization for entertainment and industry, focusing on improving capture, compression and presentation technology by making use of sophisticated signal and image processing.
A true experience
Realistic 3D is a natural extension in the strive for an authentic presence. It presents a scene with a realistic depth and a motion parallax without user-worn spectacles. Applications can be found in the fields of digital signage, medical diagnostics, product design and construction, gaming, 3D-TV, telepresence and mobile telephony.
Research Focus
We pursue research, and related education, in the fields of multimedia communication systems that utilize realistic 3D as part. Our main research areas are:
- Synthesis and capture of 3D images and video
- View rendering techniques
- Modelling of 3D devices
- Coding of 3D images and video
- 3D Quality metrics and evaluations
Current Projects
Our research projects are all centred around technologies for realistic 3D visualization and how it can be applied to different areas. Our current projects are:
- 3D-ConTourNet - 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks (EU COST Action IC1105)
- European Training Network on Full Parallax Imaging
- Making Fresh Air Visible (prestudy)
- LIFE - Light Field Evaluation System
Completed projects
- 3D and ROI Video Coding
- 3D Video - Capture and Compression for Distribution
- Digital 3D Signage - System for digital 3D signage and its affects on costumer behaviour
- FUNKVYZ - Visualization in Mid Sweden (prestudy)
- HET - High-Tech E-Service
- Medi3D - A “Holographic” Display Test bed for Visualization of Digital 3D Data from Medical Applications
- PlenoCap - Plenoptic Capture and Computational Photography
- Real 3D - Realistic 3D in medical and media applications
- Qualinet - European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services (EU COST Action IC1003)
A dynamically updated list of publications produced by Realistic 3D can be found here.
Our research is funded by EU Structural Funds, Invest in Sweden, Knowledge Foundation, Local government in Västernorrland, Vinnova, Vårdal Foundation, Strategic Research and Mid Sweden University.
Adopticum, Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV), Linköping, Ericsson Research, Fiber Optic Valley AB, Ikonoskop AB, LC-Tec AB, Länssjukhuset i Sundsvall-Härnösand, NetCorner Europe AB, Nordic Fast Food AB, Observit AB, Optronic AB, Setred AB, Swedish ICT Acreo, University of Valencia, Spain
Lab Members
The lab members have backgrounds in Signal Processing, Telecommunications, Media Engineering, Computer Science, and Electronics, which contribute to a broad knowledge applicable to Realistic 3D visualization research.