Work for the Future – Miun 2025

The Vice-Chancellor has invited all employees to participate in Mid Sweden University’s work for the future – Miun 2025 – which was initiated during the Vice-Chancellor’s inspiration days in August 2015.
During 2015 and 2016, Mid Sweden University will be working for the future and everyone will be able to participate. Our method will be the scientific discourse, where we challenge the idea that there is one single way to describe our future and our identity. Several perspectives will be highlighted, many voices heard and in that way, we hope to reach both understanding and respect for the fact that there are different points of view. Together, we create our future and the university that we want to be.
The aim of this work for the future is a new development plan, which will be valid from 2017. The work consists of three parts: a series of seminars, five case studies and a summary in the form of a book, in which many people will share their stories about Mid Sweden University.
Series of seminars in Swedish
- Fantasier om en värdegrund (Fantasies of basic values) – was held on 20 August 2015
- Ut – bildningsfabriken (Out – the education factory) – was held on February 5, 2016
- På (o)lika villkor (On (un)equal terms) – planned for April 25, 2016
- Idéer om akademiskt ledarskap (Ideas about academic leadership) – planned for August 23–24, 2016
- Forskningsmiljöers möjlighetsvillkor (The conditions of the research environments’ opportunities)
- Mitt, ditt, vårt universitet (My, your, our university)
Case studies
The purpose of the case studies is to explore five areas of tension in our organization, particularly highlighting different perspectives. Five pairs of researchers from different subject and organizational domains will each explore an area of tension within the organization, through specialized and investigative efforts:
- Bortom New public management, NPM (Beyond New Public Management, NPM)
Angelika Sjöstedt Landén, HUV/SHV
Ingela Bäckström, NMT/KMM - Språkets makt och maktens språk (The Power of Language and the Language of Power)
Peter Degerman, HUV/HUM
Mikolaj Dymek, NMT/MKV - Arbetsdelningar och organisatoriska utmaningar (Division of Labour and Organizational Challenges)
Bengt Gunnar Jonsson, NMT/NAT
Kristina Zampoukos, HUV/TUG - Universitetets styrningsrelationer – inifrån och ut och utifrån och in (The Ruling Relations at the University – Inside and Out and Outside and In)
Inga Carlman, NMT/EHB
Peter Öhman, HUV/EVJ - Professioner i akademin och akademins professioner (Professions in the Academy and Professions of the Academy)
Lars-Åke Lindström, HUV-kansliet
Monika Karlsson, SAM
Lena Karlsson, BIB
In November 2015, all employees got an invitation by e-mail to share their experiences and thoughts about Mid Sweden University by writing a short text/reflection.