On March 21-23 researchers from 26 different countries are gathered at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall. They will report the final results of the four year research collaboration - COST Action 3D ConTourNet.
The goal for the research collaboration has been to create new initiatives for research across national borders that promote development within 3D multimedia. It includes everything from encoding, distribution, reception, network technology and presentation in 3D. Universities, research institutes and companies from 26 different countries have participated in the collaboration and arranged meetings, workshops, graduate schools and research exchanges.
During the project, researchers from Mid Sweden University visited other research groups in Germany and Finland. In the summer of 2016 Mid Sweden University was hosting a summer research school in Plenoptic (camera technology).
- By participating in this collaborative research we have visualized Mid Sweden University and our research in the 3D area. Thanks to the collaboration we found new important partner, says Professor Mårten Sjöström responsible for the project at Mid Sweden University.
On March 21, all researchers are gathered for the last time at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall. They will present the final results of the research collaboration. For Mid Sweden University it has ended up in a new cooperation with seven other European universities who have been granted a new research project in which 15 new PhD-students will be employed. Two of these students will belong to Mid Sweden University.
- It has proven to be well worth the time to participate in this cooperation. We have a new prestigious projects, we have been at the forefront of research conferences and contributed to the scientific co-publications. We will work to participate in more such research collaborations in the future, says Mårten Sjöström.