Six years has passed since STC was founded with profile funding from the Knowledge Foundation in 2005. Over the years, STC has developed from a small research project with only two professors to a large and well-known research environment with around 80 employees.
STC, as we know it, will now come to an end and be replaced by the STC Research Center that includes all research in computer science and electronics at Mid Sweden University.
Since the KK-funded part of the STC-project is ending an evaluation are being done by external reviewers. On part of this is the self-evaluation that STC have compiled. Here are a few of the figures revealed by this self-evaluation:
- Over the years STC had produced 21 PhD of which over 55 % now have industrial positions.
- STC have produced over 300 research publications.
- Almost 100 master students were produced within the area of STC.
- 10 patents and patent applications were produced.
- 11 spin-off companies were established.
- Today almost 80 researchers are working within STC.