In the summer ending at Sundsvall Gymnasium Västermalm, the winners of this year's essay competition organized by the Mid Sweden University were presented. First prize, a scholarship of 5 000 SEK, went to Fredrik Lind with his essay "The real applications of a virtual world."
It is the eleventh time that STC research centre at Mid Sweden University organizes an essay competition for students in engineering and natural science programs at Sundsvall's Gymnasium, Västermalm. The purpose of the essay contest is to interest young people in technology and research. This year's theme was "Smart cities" and to support the pupils in their writing, lectures in engineering, informatics, entrepreneurship and information collection have been offered by teachers from Mid Sweden University.
The jury consist of researchers Börje Norlin and Magnus Englund from STC. Börje handed out the prizes during this Friday´s summer ending in June 12, where the winners were presented. The five winning entries received STC-scholarships to a total of 11 000 SEK.
Winners in the essay competition 2015 are:
1st prize Fredrik Lind 5 000 SEK
Title: Verkliga tillämpningar av en virtuell värld - Om praktisk applikation av VR-tekniken
Jury motivation: A good and reputable description of VR technologies for applications in for example therapy.
2nd prize Isa Kollberg 2 000 SEK
Title: Från London till New York på en timme
Jury motivation: Evocative description of the future of new and cool transportations.
3rd prize Axel Martin 2 000 SEK
Title: Framtidens bil drivs av väte
Jury motivation: The author describes the advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles.
4th prize Frida Eriksson 1 000 SEK
Title: Akilleshälen är funnen - nu fattas bara svärdet
Jury motivation: The author addresses an important area in cancer research in an interesting way.
5th prize Emmie Salomonsson 1 000 SEK
Title: LASER - framtida bot mot Parkinsons
Jury motivation: The author demonstrates a solid understanding of the possibilities of using lasers for diagnosis.