STCs professor in electronics Mattias O’Nils received the award Årets entreprenör at Sundsvall Business Awards. He is rewarded for taking a unique innovation for the paper industry out to the market.
- It feels somewhat shocking and really great that our work is acknowledged. We would like this to provide growth in the Sundsvall region, says Mattias O´Nils
OnTop Measurement is the name of the company which has been built around a unique innovation and which has been developed by a group researcher at Mid Sweden University´s research center, Sensible Things that Communicate, STC.
It´s about the paper meter Ontop that measures the paper topography continuously while it is produced. It gives the producer the opportunity to quickly correct any deficiencies in the quality. Earlier the quality has been measured by sampling and lab analysis, which in the worst cases have resulted in much waste in form of ready-made paper with deficiencies in the quality
- At the beginning of the project, we wanted to investigate if it was feasible, and it took us five years to prove that it works. Then when it was decided that it would be a product, the project took another direction – to take the research results out to the market, says Mattias O´Nils.
The company has already delivered paper meter to the industry, and Mattias have high hopes for the future.
- We believe in this product and also that the University can do so much more for growth in the region by, like in our case make a company, but also by co-operation with companies and the region to find innovative and smart solutions for the whole society, says Mattias O´Nils
Foto: ST.nu
The jury motivates the price Entrepreneur of the Year with the ability to combine entrepreneurship, innovation and commercialization.