Publikationer 2010

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Augustsson, G. (2010). Web 2.0, pedagogical support for reflexive and emotional social interaction among Swedish students. The Internet and Higher Education, Vol. 13:197-205.


Augustsson, G., Olofsdotter, G. och Wolvén, L-E. (2010). Swedish Managers in TWA Act as Boundary Spanners. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1:4-17.


Damber, U. (2010).  Att göra språket till sitt. Omnistuneita opetuskäytänteitä onokutuurisissa luokkahuoneissa. Kielikukko, 29(2), 7-12.


Lindberg, J.O. (2010). Teachers professional development and ICT: A comparison of four Swedish cases. UFV Research Review, 4(1).


Lindberg, J.O., Olofsson, A.D., & Stödberg, U. (2010). Signs for learning to perform in a digital environment. Australianasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(7), 996-1011.


Olofsson, A.D., Lindberg, J.O., & Stödberg, U. (2010). Shared video media and blogging online – Educational technologies for enchancing formative E-assement ? Campus Wide Information Systems, 28 (1), 41-55.


Snyder, K., Panichi, L., & Lindberg, J.O. (2010). On the issue of quality of experience in technology supported learning. Designs for Learning, 3(1-2):42-53.


Snyder K (2010). Living other becoming me: is it lagom yet? . Race Equality Teaching, 28(3) Staffordshire.


Snyder K, Panichi L, Lindberg O (2010). On the issue of quality of experience in technology supported learning. Designs for Learning, 3(1-2), 42-53.


Snyder K (2009). II nuovo compito dei leader : A new task for school leaders. Dirigenti scuola, (3), 86- 90.


Bokkapitel och böcker

Björkman, C. (2010). Skolans ledarskap som intern förbättringskapacitet. I: J.Höög & O. Johansson (Ed.). Struktur, kultur. ledarskap – förutsättningar för framgångsrika skolor (s.

138-151). Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Damber, U. (2010). Reading for Life - Three Studies of Swedish Students’ Literacy Development. Academic dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning.


Jaldemark, J. (2010). Participating in a boundless activity: Computer-mediated communication in Swedish higher education. Academic dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy . Umeå: Umeå University , Sweden.


Segerholm, Christina (2010). Examining out-comes-based educational evaluation through a critical theory lens. In: Freeman, Melissa (ed.) Critical Social Theory and Evaluation Practice, New Directions for Evaluation, 127, 59-69.



Berg, G. 2010. The complexity of school leadership. Paper presented at the ENIRDELM conference in Szeeged, Hungary, September 15-17, 2010


Boström, L. 2010. Hur lär sig elever i gymnasieskolan jämfört med gymnasielärare i Sverige? En jämförande studie av elever och lärare. Paper presenterat vid den 11 Nordiska Lärarutbildningskonferensen. Hjørring, May 2010.


Boström, L (2010). How do teacher students learn compared to music teacher students in Sweden? A comparative Study of Two Different Students Teacher Groups in Sweden. Paper presenterat vid 13 International Learning Style Conference. University of Aveiro.


Boström, L. & Calissendorff, M. (2010). Learning Styles in Nordic Research;Their etical Origins and Empirical Observations an Grammar and Music. Paper presenterat vid 13 International Learning Style Conference. University of Aveiro.


Boström. L., Damber, U. & Ivarsson, L. (2010). Ämnesdidaktisk forskning med relevans för språkdidaktik; teoretiska utgångspunkter, empiriska iakttagelser samt didaktiska konsekvenser. Paper presenterat vid 2010 års ASLA symposium. Falun, Sweden, November, 12-13.


Damber, U. (2010). Possible Linkages between Future Oriented Pedagogy and Future Time Perspective? Paper presenterat vid the 2th Baltic Sea Conference on Reading. Åbo, August, 11-13.


Damber, U. (2010). Using Inclusion, High Demands and High Expectations to Resist the Deficit Syndrome. Paper presenterat vid the 55th IRA Annual Convention. Chicago, US, April, 25-28.


Hansson, A. (2010) Expected to become digitally competent teachers: Challenges in the case of a Swedish lower secondary school, with an ambition for whole-school development. Paper presentation at Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference, Oxford, September 2010.


Hult, A., & Olofsson, A. (2010) Qualifying students for peer review in online courses. Paper presenterat vid NFPF/NERA Conference, Malmö 2010-03-18. 


Jaldemark, J., & Lindberg, J.O. (2010). Enhancing supervision of student thesis’ through the use of educational technologies. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE), Samos (Greece), 8-10 July. 2010.


Jiao, J., Wang, X., Dan, Q., Gu, L., & Lindberg, J.O. (2010). Tianhe Blogosphere and – a comparison of two online learning communities potential for teacher professional development. Paper presented in a 90 minute Colloquium at the 17th International Conference on Learning at Hong Kong Institute of Education, 6-8 july, 2010


Larsson-Dahlin, Ann (2010) Birchforest, 1 watercolor-painting 56x76 cm presented at the nordic juried exhibition Nordisk Akvarell 2010 in Reykjavik, Iceland


Larsson-Dahlin, Ann (2010) Vattenvirvlar, 1 watercolor-painting 46x61 cm presented at the Akvarellsalong, Väsby Arthall, Upplands Väsby, Sweden


Lindberg, J.O., & Gu, L. (2010). The case of, a Swedish Online Learning Community for Teachers Professional Development? Paper presented in a 90 minute Colloquium at the 17th International Conference on Learning at Hong Kong Institute of Education, 6-8 july, 2010.


Lindberg, J.O., Jiao, J., Gu, L., Wang, X., & Qin, D. (2010). Technology enhanced teacher professional development (TETPD) – a comparative multiple-case study on teacher professional development models in Sweden and China. Paper presented in a 90 minute Colloquium at the 17th International Conference on Learning at Hong Kong Institute of Education, 6-8 july, 2010.


Lindberg, J.O., & Sahlin, S. (2010). Enhancing the European dimension in upper secondary schools – using ICT to bridge school-subjects and distances. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Information. Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE), Samos (Greece), 8-10 July. 2010.


Olofsson, A. (2010). Principals with teachers - peer-reviewing colleagues. Paper presented at The 15th Annual International UCEA Conference on Values and Leadership Ethics, Resilience, and Sustainability: Elements of Learning Focussed School Leadership Umeå, Sweden September 21- 24, 2010


Olofsson, A.D., Lindberg, J.O., & Stödberg, U. (2010). E-assessment through shared video media and blogging online. Paper presented at the 2nd International conference on designs for learning - towards a new conceptualization of learning, Stockholm, 17-19 March. 2010.


Olofsson, A.D., Lindberg, J.O., & Hauge, T-R. (2010). Assessment through the use of blogs – could it facilitate peer-to-peer learning in online higher education? Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE), Samos (Greece), 8-10 July. 2010.


Panichi, L., Lindberg, J.O., & Snyder, K. (2010). Determining quality of experience in vitutual platforms. Paper presented at the 2nd International conference on designs for learning - towards a new conceptualization of learning, Stockholm, 17-19 March. 2010.


Rasmusson, Maria. (2010). "It's easier to read on the Internet - you just click on what you want to read" Abilities and skills needed for reading on the Internet. Paper presented at

the European Conference on Educational Research, Helsinki, in August 2010.


Segerholm, Christina (2010). Global evaluation and quality assurance policy meet local education context – a Swedish case narrative. Paper presented at the CESE conference in Uppsala Sweden, August 16-19 August, 2010.


Segerholm, Christina (2010). National evaluation systems governing educational practice. The case of Swedish higher education. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Helsinki, 25-27 August 2010.


Segerholm, Christina (2010). The shifting meaning of accountability in education in five nations. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association conference in San Antonio, 10-13 November, 2010.


Snyder K, Panichi L, Lindberg O (2010). Quality of experience: a missing piece in the equation for assessing learning in a digital age .



Augustsson, G. (2010). Konstnärers kompetens uppskattas i arbetslivet. Utvärdering av åtta konstnärers bidrag till meningsfulla reflektioner inom fyra arbetsplatser. Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier, 2010:1. Mittuniversitetet: Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap.


Populärvetenskapliga artiklar/presentationer

Damber, U. (2011). Konferenspresentation: Läsa för livet. Skolportens

rikskonferens,  Stockholm. 6 februari.


Damber, U. (2010). Flerspråkiga barns läsning – en miljöfråga? Swedish Council

of International Reading Association (SCIRA). Läsning.35(2), 14-17. 


Damber, U. (2010). Lärares förhållningssätt av stor betydelse för läs- och

skrivlärande. Dyslexi, 15(3), 22-24.


Damber, U. (2010). Konferenspresentation: Läsa för livet. SCIRA.s 

utbildningskonferens Läsglädje – Matematikglädje. Umeå, 15-16 oktober.