Disaster law

Save favourite Print 29 Apr April 2014

Disaster law is the study of the legal rules governing the management of crises, emergencies and disasters.

Disaster law can be seen as how the legislature, the jurisprudence, and individual lawyers are trying to investigate what legal problems and challenges agencies and organizations may face in a crisis situation, and then find the legal route to establish adequate solutions to these problems. The legal research conducted within RCR has a special focus on inter-agency cooperation in emergencies and extraordinary events with a focus on issues relating to publicity and privacy.

RCR organizes projects and activities related not only to research but also to collaboration with the ambient society and with teaching. Over the years RCR has been successful in receiving external funding for this kind of projects from agencies such as the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Foundation for Social Sciences and Humanities, The Swedish Emergency Management Agency, the EU 7th Framework Programme for research (FP7). 

Two examples are: MidRisk, where the overall objective of the project was to contribute to the risk and crisis management field through knowledge and education, and subsequently organize a variety of interaction arenas through workshops, yearly symposium on various topics, as well as virtual meeting placesall to increase collaboration between business, organizations and researchers; and ANDROID, which is an Erasmus academic network that aims to promote co-operation and innovation among European Higher Education to increase society’s resilience to disasters of both human and natural origin.