Research Groups
The priority research area is technology research concentrating on sensor systems and services within electronics and computer design. The technology research is carried out within nine research groups where the responsibility of the technology areas is to address the research challenges in the targeted areas. Here you will find a presentation of each and every research group.
Research groups at STC

Detector and Photonics
Develops detectors; thermal detector for CO2 based indoor climate control, electron detectors and detectors for Thermal Neutrons. Within photonics the main focus is on the development of new optical fiber based laser sources and fiber optic sensors for industrial and medical applications.

Power Electronics
Positions the research within high frequency power supplies in the frontline.The research have presented the only isolated converter above 3MHz with an efficiency exceeding requirements from commercial applications.

Printed Sensor Systems
The research group Printed Sensor Systems develops an inkjet printed humidity sensor. Researchers are evaluating different coatings applied on plastic substrates to promote inkjet printing quality of conductive nano particle inks.

Radiation Sensor Systems
The main activities of the group on Radiation Sensor Systems concern pixellated detectors for ionizing radiation including both particles and photons. A significant part of the work is based on the MEDIPIX family of readout electronics and the collaboration within the MEDIPIX consortium.

Sensor-based Services
The research focuses on enabling intelligent service decisions in different user scenarios, such as commuting, healthcare, home automation and seamless multimedia. Key topics are presence and awareness, which entail mechanisms and protocols for efficient and scalable acquisition, dissemination, and discovery of information along with modeling.

Realistic 3D
The research at Realistic 3D is on Multidimensional Imaging and Visualization with focus on Multiscopic 3D Capture, Coding and Visualization.

Sensor Network & Security
The research group Sensor Network and Security concentrates the research in two areas: wireless sensor network for industry environment and wireless sensor application for elderly home and individual assistant.

Visual Sensor Systems
Study design of embedded electronics systems with a focus on applications where computing electronics, imaging detectors and image analysis is combined.

Wireless Sensor Systems
Develops embedded sensor system on rotors for measuring quantities such as angular speed and acceleration, vibration, and torque. Designs wireless sensor networks for long-term operation in environmental monitoring applications.