This week, the department of Electronic Design once again been visited by a group of students from the Misr International University in Cairo. It is the fifth year that the appreciated exchange takes place between the two partner universities.
Twenty Egyptian students with their teachers have during this week an intensive course in the use of characterization equipment in the clean room
- The course is highly appreciated by the students who get the opportunity to make use of expensive equipment as our clean room can provide, said Claes Mattsson, who supervise the students during their visit.
Among others the students have been producing their own diodes in the clean room, which they measured with qualifying equipment. After today's course waits a visit to Birsta with IKEA and the week in Sweden is rounded off with a Valborg celebration at Norra berget.
The collaboration between Miu (Misr International University) and STC at Mid Sweden University started in 2007 as an agreement for student and teacher exchange was concluded. The Egyptian students get the opportunity to try Mid Sweden Universitys advanced equipment and there has also been a teacher exchange where Kent Bertilsson, researcher and teacher at STC, visited Miu for providing feedback on and assure the quality of their educations. The cooperation is highly appreciated by both sides since several of the students have begun to study at Mid Sweden University after their visit.