Municipalities and disabled people in crisis

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Dr. Jörgen Sparf's doctoral thesis.

Risk management planning by the municipalities, takes into account the needs of the entire population; both in the current preventive measures and actions in emergency situations, as well as in risk and crisis communication. Different groups of the population have different needs and some groups have special, additional or exceptional needs.

The purpose of this project is to increase understanding of the disabled persons perceptions of risk related to their social resource endowments, and more specifically, how municipalities takes into consideration in the disabled persons needs in the subsequent risk management planning. Studies include both quantitative and qualitative empirical work that will be analysed against each other, with the objective to contribute to, based on population demographics, well-tailored risk management planning.

Conference Papers

Sparf, J. (2005). 'Information in times of chaos'. Presented at the 7th ESA conference: Rethinking inequalities, September 9-13, 2005, Institute of Sociology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland.

Sparf, J. (2006). 'Riskteoretiska perspektiv'. Presented at the Swedish sociology association conference The City and Eastern Europe, February 9-10, 2006, Södertörn University College, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sparf, J. & Öhman, S. (2006). 'Resources and risk perception'. Presented at the XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology: The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalising World, RC39: sociology of disasters, Durban, South Africa, July 23-29, 2006

Sparf, J. & Öhman, S. (2006). 'Risk perception among disabled people in Sweden: The role of social involvement and resources'. Presented at New Perspectives on Risk Communication Uncertainty in a Complex Society. A Multi-Disciplinary International Research Conference. August 31 - September 2, 2006 Gothenburg, Sweden.

Practical information

Project dates
October 2005–September 2014 

Ph.D. candidate  Jörgen Sparf
Supervisors: Professor Roine Johansson, Dr. Susanna Öhman

Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and Mid Sweden University