PUL Certificate

Spara favorit Skriv ut 20 jun juni 2013

You have to sign and send in a copy of the PUL-certificate (personuppgiftslagen).

The PUL-certificate is a formal confirmation required by law that you as students allow us to publish class lists etc and has to be signed and submitted to us by law.

The  PUL certificate also contains a paragraph where you as students allow us to use material that you submit in Moodle for future didactic/pedagogic research. Obviously, no personal details of the students involved would ever be disclosed in such research. Pedagogic research of this kind is part of the long term research strategy of Mid Sweden university and is essential in order to evaluate the negative and positive consequences of Internet learning.

PUL Certificate

The signed certificate should be posted to:

Martin Shaw
Avdelningen för humaniora
87170 Sundsvall

You could also sign the certificate, scan it and send it by e-mail to martin.shaw@miun.se.