Anders Olsson
Docent i engelska vid avdelningen för humaniora; doktorsexamen i engelska, särskilt Amerikansk litteratur, från Uppsala Universitet med avhandlingen Managing Diversity: The Anthologization of “American Literature”
Amerikansk litteratur, komparativa Amerikastudier, Irländska studier
Pågående forskning
“Travel Matters: Transatlantic Cosmopolitan Encounters in Early Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing”
“Margaret Fuller and Fredrika Bremer: A Current Encounter”
“Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Kalevala: Transnational Influences on the Composition of The Song of Hiawatha”
- Litteraturkurser i Engelska A, B, C, magisterprogram och forskarutbildning
- Handledning av C-uppsatser, magisteruppsatser och doktorsavhandlingar
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Artiklar, recensioner
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Proceedings (redaktörsskap)
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Olsson, A. (2013). American Studies in Scandinavia, volume 44:1 : Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 44: 1, ss. 1-3.
Olsson, A. (2012). American Studies in Scandinavia, volume 43:2 : Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 43: 2, ss. 1-4.
Olsson, A. (2012). Special Topic. Latino/a Studies. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 43: 1, ss. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2011). Editor's note. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 43: 1, ss. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2010). Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 42: 2
Olsson, A. (2009). Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 41: 1, ss. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2009). Editorial. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 41: 2, ss. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2008). Editorial : American Studies in Scandinavia, volume 40:1-2, Special Topic. Transnational Strategies in Higher Education and Cultural fields: The Case of the United States and Sweden in the 20th Century. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 40: 1-2, ss. 1-2.
Olsson, A. (2007). Forum : And Why 'Trans' All the Time? A Transnational Forum. Review of International American Studies -- the electronic journal of the International American Studies Association, vol. 2: 3, ss. 14-15.
Olsson, A. (2004). Review of Adam Sweeting, Beneath the Second Sun: A Cultural History of Indian Summer (Hanover: University Press of New England, 2003). The Journal of American Studies, vol. 38: 1, ss. 145-146.
Artiklar, recensioner
Olsson, A. (2008). Review of Sirpa Salenius, Florence, Italy: Images of the City in Nineteenth-Century American Writing (Publications in the Humanities 46. Joensuu: University of Joensuu 2007, 24o0 pages, ISBN 9789524589307). American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 40: 1-2, ss. 192-197.
Olsson, A. (2004). Oliver Harris, William Burroughs and the Secrets of Fascination. Journal of American studies, vol. 38: 1, ss. 272
Olsson, A. (2000). Managing Diversity : The Anthologization of "American Literature". Diss. Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2000 (Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia : 111)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Olsson, A. (2011). Walk the Line : Experience and Interpretation in Colm Tóibín's Bad Bloof. I Beyond Ireland : encounters across cultures. Peter Lang Publishing Group (Reimagining Ireland).
Olsson, A. (2007). "The Broken Place" : Memory, Language, Tradition, and Storytelling in Colm Tóibín's Texts. I Recovering memory : Irish representations of past and present. Newcastle : ridge scholars publishing. S. 294-.
Olsson, A. (2006). Levels of Managment : U.S. Anthologies, Market Competition, and the "Culture Wars". I America's Worlds and the World's Americas : International American Studies Association. World Congress (2nd : 2005 : University of Ottawa). Ottawa : Legas (The Americas series = Collection des Am?eriques = Coleccio?n de las Ame?ricas). S. 582-.
Olsson, A. (2006). Fictional Americas in and out of the U.S.. I International American Studies Association : World Congress (2nd : 2005 : University of Ottawa). Ottawa : Legas (The Americas series = Collection des Am?eriques = Coleccio?n de las Ame?ricas). S. 582-.
Olsson, A. (2005). Innocents Abroad? : The U.S. and the Wordl in National Geographic. I How far is America from here? : selected proceedings of the First World Congress of the International American Studies Association. Amsterdam : Rodopi. S. 636-.
Olsson, A. (2001). Den uppfunna traditionen i USA:s litteratur. I Tvättbjörnar och länsherrar : Tio artiklar om berättelser, text och föremål. Härnösand : Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Institutionen för humaniora, Härnösand och Östersund). S. 109-132.
Olsson, A. (1994). Retorik och matematik. I Konsten att informera och övertyga : en antologi om pedagogik, text och retorik. Stockholm : HLS (Högsk. för lärarutbildning i Stockholm). S. 320-.
Olsson, A. (2004). A Metaphor for the Institution? : The Frontier and U.S. Literature. I Trans: Internet journal for cultural studies.
Olsson, A. & Ekelund, B. (2004). Comparing Literary Worlds: The properties of 'the author' in three cohorts of U.S. fiction writers : Paper presented at the 6th Conference of The ESA Research Network for the Sociology of the Arts, "The Art of Comparison" November 3-5, 2004, Rotterdam. .
Proceedings (redaktörsskap)
Olsson, A. (ed.) (2012). American Studies in Scandinavia. Odense, Danmark : University Press of Southern Denmark (American Studies in Scandinavia 43: 1)
Olsson, A. (2006). Literary Generations and Social Authority : A Study of American Prose-Fiction Debut Writers, 1940-2000 -- A Scholarly Account.
Olsson, A. (1996). Studies in U.S. Literature. Härnösand : Inst. för kultur och humaniora, Mitthögskolan (Rapport / Institutionen för humaniora, Härnösand och Östersund 4)
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Olsson, A. (ed.) (2008). American Studies in Scandinavia : Special Topic: Transnational Strategies in Higher Education and Cultural Fields. The Case of the United States and Sweden in the 20th Century. Odense : University Press of Southern Denmark (American Studies in Scandinavia Volume 40:1-2)
Olsson, A. (2008). Schuberts salonger