Interview with Luca Beltramelli

"The most valuable output of this visit is the extension of the social network between our two universities. Overall, we now know our respective research focus and fields of expertise and this will hopefully paved the road for future collaborations which are likely to start soon."
When did you go for an exchange as a guest researcher at the University of Pretoria?
We arrived in Pretoria on the morning of Sunday 6th of December and stayed until the 16th of December
What is it that you have been doing as a guest researcher?
Mainly we have been having meetings with members of the Advanced Sensor Networks research group of the University of Pretoria. We have also visited the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and found out some of the projects that are being currently developed.
What is the biggest differences in research studies between two universities?
Possibly because of the larger number of students I have noticed that in UoP the interactions between PhD-students and their supervisors are more formal and more strictly regulated.
What have you learned during these two weeks?
I think that in accordance to the goals of the project the most valuable output of this visit is the extension of the social network between our two universities. Overall, we now know our respective research focus and fields of expertise and this will hopefully paved the road for future collaborations which are likely to start soon.
What experience will you bring back to your research in to Sweden?
This has been my first visit to a foreign university as a guest researcher from when I started pursuing my PhD in August. As such I appreciate this trip for being not only an educating and eye-opening experience but also for the novelty value that it has for me.
What value does this exchange have on your research studies?
It is difficult to predict at the moment but I hope that with time the social connections initiated during this visit will lead to new fruitful cooperation.