Åre Risk Event 2016

Save favourite Print 22 Mar March 2016

The fourth Åre Risk Event takes place in Åre, Sweden, on June 14–16 2016.

The topic of this year’s conference is:

Resilience – Opportunities and Challenges for Societal Crisis Management and Individual Safety

Over the last 20 years, resilience has been established in civil security and emergency preparedness as well as a number of other areas. The conference will in various ways shed light on how this has happened and what consequences – good and bad – it has had and can have on individuals, local communities and the world globally.

The program though preliminary at this stage, comprises lectures and scientific presentations, as well as workshops and the sharing of experiences in smaller groups. 

The conference is geared towards participants with an interest in resilience, security, and risk and crisis research / management. 

Åre Risk Event starts at 1 pm on June 14 and ends at 1 pm on June 16. Venue: Copperhill Mountain Lodge

Norrsken – får endast användas av RCR

Keynote Speakers


Åre Risk Event aims at gathering researchers, practitioners, and delegates of private, public, and volunteer organizations for the exchange of knowledge and experiences.