Books and book chapters

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Lundström, von Friedrichs, Zhou & Sundin, eds, (2013). Social entrepreneurship: leveraging economic, political, and cultural dimensions. Springer 2013
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Ioannides, D. and Petridou, E. (forthcoming): Contingent neoliberalism and urban tourism in the United States. In Jan Mosedale (Ed.)

Narbutaité, Aflaki, I., Petridou, E., and Miles L., eds, (2014). Entrepreneurship in the polis: contested entrepreneurs and dynamics of change in diverse contexts. Burlington, VT: Ashgate

Narbutaité Aflaki, I., Petridou, E., and Miles, L., (2014). Entrepreneurship redux and directions for future research. In I. Narbutaité Aflaki, E. Petridou and L. Miles, eds. Entrepreneurship in the polis: contested entrepreneurs and dynamics of change in diverse contexts. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Petridou, E., Narbutaité Aflaki, I., and Miles, L.,( 2014). Unpacking the theoretical boxes of political entrepreneurship. In I .Narbutaité Aflaki, E. Petridou and L. Miles, eds. Entrepreneurship in the polis: contested entrepreneurs and dynamics of change in diverse contexts. Burlingon, VT: Ashgate.

Petridou, E., and Ioannides, D. (2013). Creative serendipity: when art and public entrepreneurship revitalize a downtown. In P. M Olausson and J. Nyhlén, eds. Regioner, regionalism och entreprenörskap. Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University. pp. 120-138.

Ioannides, D. and Petridou, E. (2012): Tourism workers and the equity dimension of sustainability. In D. Leslie (Ed.) Tourism enterprises and the sustainability agenda across Europe. (pp.187-205). London: Ashgate.

von Friedrichs, Y. och Skoglund, W. (2011). "Gastronomi som kraft för regional utveckling".

I Bonow, M. (red.) för svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografis årsbok Ymer - Gastronomi och Regionalutveckling.

von Friedrichs, Y. och Skoglund, W. (2010). "Kreativ ekonomi, gastronomi och regional utveckling". I Johannisson, B. och D. Rylander (red.), Entreprenörskap i regioners tjänst: Ingångar till nya näringar genom design, upplevelser, kulturarv. Stockholm: KK-stiftelsen.