Rebuilding of the library - Campus Sundsvall - Studentsidor
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Rebuilding of the library - Campus Sundsvall


The library is being renovated during the period January to August 2015 due to the integration of the campus library in Härnösand. We plan to open the library at the start of the autumn term. You can follow the rebuilding process below.


Campus library Sundsvall prepering for relocation of Härnösand


Approximate timetable during the spring and summer

Week 20-21 relocation of bookshelves in the library. Some collections have received temporary placements.

Week 22-23 More bookshelves are mounted up in the library



Week 24-25 Sundsvall´s book collections will be relocated


The study environment can be disturbing during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Welcome to the inauguration of the new premises for the Service center, University libraries, and learning resource center at Campus Sundsvall!

Thursday, October 8 at 10:00, level 2 (first floor) library, N-House. 

Vice-Chancellor Anders Söderholm is an inaugural speech at 10:00.

This is followed by speech by:

  • Kent S, Director Service center
  • Ola Lindberg, Head of unit LRC
  • Anette Regenberg, architect, Tengbom
  • Margaretha Andersson, Head Librarian Härnösand
  • Cathrine B, Head Librarian Sundsvall
  • Song of student choir Gungner. 
  • Guided tours from 11 am to 2 pm. 


We offer refreshments

A very warm welcome!


Week 36

This week, we plan to open the library's ground floor on level 2.



Week 35

We prepares new information and lending desk and other computer stations.

Week 34

Bookcases and books are arranged on all floors.


Week 33

The renovation should be complete. Bookcases and other furniture and computers are arranged and installed according to the new floor plan.

Week 27-32

Renovation of floors 1-3 continues during these weeks.


Furniture and lamps to floor 4.



Week 26

Library's temporary issue desk opens in N101. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-15 until 22/8. Boxes for the return of the books will be available nearby. 

This week the bookshelves are removed on the 2nd floor so that new flooring can be laid. This week, only compulsory literature for summer courses is available to borrow. Other literature is not accessible. It is possible to order literature from Campus Library Härnösand and Ostersund for pickup in N101. Interlibrary loans can also be ordered.  


Week 25

Library is closed this week due to the library's personnel conference as well as removal of the issue desk and the summer course literature to N101.  

The renovation of the 2nd floor starts.

New flooring on 1st floor.


Week 24

Skirting boards, on the 3rd floor are mounted up. Now also begins removal of flooring on 1st floor.   

New flooring on new magazine lounge on ground floor.

Week 23

New flooring on the other half of the 3rd floor.

1st floor of the library is closed due to moving of bookcases and books.  New flooring is placed on the other half of the 3rd floor.  



Week 22

New flooring in the new magazine lounge on the ground floor.




Week 21

The flooring on the other half of the 3rd floor will be removed.

Week 20

Skirting boards are mounted on the 3rd floor.

A glass wall are mounted up over the passage to the new magazine lounge.



Week 19

New flooring on the 3rd floor.



Week 18

The flooring on half of the 3rd floor will be removed.


Week 17-18

Construction of steel beams over one of the atriums on the 3rd floor.

Group study rooms on 4th floor is now available and can be booked in the Student Portal. To get in on the 4th floor do you need a MIUN card. Group study rooms can be reached by elevator or by stairs in the stairwell outside the library.

LRC's former premises on 2nd floor is now gone and on the place a new lounge with magazines which is planned to be done v 27.

 In the fall, the library will have two entrances, both via magazine lounge and via the current entrance.

Blinds are mounted on the doors of resource rooms on 4th floor.



Week 16

Group study rooms open on the 4th floor.

Rebuildning of LRC 2nd floor commences.


Week 15

This is the 4th floor this week:




This is pictures from 4th floor during the renovation:



Week 14

Renovation Of the 3rd floor starts. The group study rooms on the 3rd floor will be closed. New group study rooms will open on the 4th floor in the middle of April.

Renovation of the 6th floor starts - the offices and workplace for the staff.















































Here are more pictures from the reconstruction