About A Magnificent Mountain Landscape
The research initiative A Magnificent Mountain Landscape was started to provide us with more knowledge for sustainable development and future management of the Swedish mountains. The research initiative supports the need for knowledge about achieving the environmental quality objective A Magnificent Mountain Landscape and encourages a holistic view of the mountain landscape.
Purpose of the research initiative
The purpose is to create a deeper understanding of the mountain world's disputes and opportunities and promote sustainable development, respecting all different perspectives. The initiative includes ten different research projects, with some forty researchers from six Swedish universities, all of which have the ambition to link to the ecological, economic and social/ cultural sustainability.
The link to the environmental objective
Knowledge drives the environmental work ahead, and in this initiative, research is what will be supporting the environmental quality objective A Magnificent Mountain Landscape. The aim is that the mountains should maintain a high degree of originality in terms of biological diversity, recreational value, as well as natural and cultural values. Read more about the environmental objective here.
Grants in two phases
For the period 2013–2015, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has funded the research projects by means of grants of a total of SEK 26 Million. Three projects have also received funding from the common partial grant issued by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the National Heritage Board on the theme "Integrated natural and cultural heritage management for a living mountain world." The call for 2016–2017, which is the research initiative's second phase and has a focus on implementation, took place in 2014 and accommodates SEK 9 Million.
The importance of cooperation
The preliminary work of research announcement involved a number of government agencies and stakeholders. In the research effort the stakeholders will contribute in different ways with their perspectives and knowledge. A special collaboration has also been established with the National Heritage Board, focusing on interdisciplinary aspects between cultural heritage and nature conservation. This strengthens the research quality of results, legitimacy and usefulness.