In a series of e-books on the art of songwriting, the reader is given considerable knowledge of music theory, but also of music psychology, music history, lyric writing, conceptual thinking, creativity and more. A number of interviews add perspective on the topic.
The offer
The series utilizes the many advantages of the e-book format, and makes use of embedded material as well as interactive functionality and links toward the outside world and streaming music. Diagnostic check points, tailor made glossary and videos make it suitable for self-study.
Each e-Book supplies content for a (ca) 4 months course and can be read either from cover to cover, or by topic. A study guide is under development.
Main purpose
Anchors music theory in practical application, and makes clear its usefulness for bolstering creativeness and artistic expression.
Meets a growing demand for interactive educational content on digital plattforms.
Facilitates the work for music teaches; saves time and reduces stress.
Aids students in transforming theoretical knowledge into practical, and internalizing it by reflexion and interaction - episteme,techne, fronesis.
The material is suitable for a number of different learning situations, and doesn’t have to be used in the traditional classroom setting.
Usage areas
The material is suitable for high school, pre college, and university/collegelevels.
IP Status
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Black belt songwriting
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