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Innovation Office Fyrklövern received a top ranking in the evaluation

Published: 2015-11-16

In Vinnova's first evaluation, of the Swedish Innovation offices, Fyrklövern gets highest grade. Some of the success factors pointed out is good anchorage, breadth and student support.

Innovation offices, 12 in number, set up in 2009 and its task is to increase the utilization of research. Karlstad University, Linnaeus University, Mid Sweden University and Örebro University cooperates on one of these - Innovation Office Fyrklövern.
At Karlstad University is Fyrklövern cooperation as an integral part of the Grants and Innovation Office (GIO).

Vinnova was commissioned by the Ministry of Education conducted an evaluation of innovation account's performance. This evaluation will then form part of the basis for the Ministry of Education allocates funds for innovation offices as of in 2016.

Innovation Office Fyrklövern have the highest ratings in the 2015 evaluation. Among other Fyrklövern performed very well given their circumstances with activities divided between four universities geographically dispersed, relatively little research funding and obtained funds for innovation office.

Strong anchoring a key
- It is gratifying that our work gives imprint, says Håkan Spjuth, Director of Grants and Innovation Office at Karlstad University. As we see it, Fyrklövern three strengths. It is easy to innovations just about technology and engineering. We initially supported the ideas and researchers from all disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences. Another strength is that we involve the students in the innovation process, and we have from the start supported entrepreneurial students in Karlstad with the Conservatory. Last but not least, we have a strong base in our teaching institutions wiring, which has been a bit of a key for us. It is also recognized in the evaluation.

Since 2010 Fyrklövern evaluated over 600 innovations and ideas from researchers and other employees. Karlstad University stands for about 180 of these, and of the 180 is about 50 innovations with intellectual property rights in any form. More than 30 companies have over the years been started based on research at Karlstad University.

As for the students and their ideas are the numbers even higher, about 3,000 ideas have been evaluated within Fyrklövern since 2010, of which approximately 1100 have continued on in some form.

Added value to utilize ideas in society
- These numbers are convincing but still not what is most important. The substantial added value is to be able to contribute to all ideas can be utilized in society and help them to further develop the university's research and education activities, says Håkan Spjuth. Many of the projects that received funding through, for example, Horizon 2020 is based on the past experience and results, and there has been Grants and Innovation Office existed with the support of the majority of the application process.

- This was an extremely welcome news says Vice-Chancellor Åsa Bergheim. Firstly it shows once again the strength of the four young universities' cooperation, and it is a confirmation that the support given to researchers and students at the highest level.
