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Online library and publication platform

OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication. We work with publishers to build a quality-controlled collection of open access books and provide services for publishers, libraries, and research funders in the areas of hosting, deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation.

SCOSS supports OAPEN and DOAB

SCOSS, the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services, selected OAPEN and DOAB as vital infrastructures to support the transition of monographs and book chapters to open access models. SCOSS provides a coordinated cost-sharing framework for enabling the broader OA and OS community to support the non-commercial services on which it depends. SCOSS encourages the community to support OAPEN and DOAB in its second funding cycle.


The OAPEN Deposit Service supports open access policies of research funders and practitioners (research institutions, universities and their libraries). The Deposit Service provides an institutional uploading service for researchers and publishers. The OAPEN Library is adapted to the specific demands for academic books, and deploys the metadata standards, classification schemes and distribution channels for academic books.


Libraries need to know which openly licensed books are published by reputable academic publishers. Publishers of OA books need to become part of existing library discovery systems to reach their target audiences. OAPEN provides freely available harvesting options and daily metadata feeds in various formats to libraries and library suppliers, to disseminate the OAPEN collection.


Making books freely available on the web is only helpful if they are made discoverable. The OAPEN Library is optimised for search engines and is indexed by Google Scholar. In addition to disseminating metadata to Libraries and Library discovery systems, all books with an open license are indexed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB).


OA Books Toolkit

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For authors

The OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit aims to help book authors to better understand open access book publishing and to increase trust in open access books. You will be able to find relevant articles on open access book publishing following the research lifecycle, by browsing frequently asked questions or by searching with keywords.


The Italian job

We are excited to update our collaboration with Firenze University Press (FUP), resulting in an impressive addition to our collection. We have added the complete catalogue of FUP in the OAPEN Library, now including nearly 2,000 open access books and chapters.


Great usage of the ERC collection in Asian countries

As part of the ERC-OAPEN-2019 project, we have developed a new dashboard for all our stakeholders. Here we’re zooming in on the usage of the ERC collection in Asian countries…

Blog Post

The OAPEN Dashboard – a new partner service 

During the UKSG 2022 Annual Conference held from May 30th to June 2nd in Telford UK we officially launched the OAPEN Dashboard1 – a new analytics service for our library members, publishers and funder partners to help them gain a deeper understanding of the usage of open access books.   Over...

Blog Post

Big in Japan, Zimbabwe or Brazil – global reach and national preferences for open access books

To many the internationalisation of academic publishing may mean: a strong focus on global issues, written in English only. However, many academic books are written in other languages than English. We tend to link non-English publications to regional issues, so there is a tension between English as the...

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