FSCN Research centre

Save favourite 27 Mar March 2018
FSCN laboratories

FSCN – Fibre Science and Communication Network is a multi-disciplinary research centre at Mid Sweden University. FSCN carries out research that supports the development of forest-based industries and new opportunities for forest-based biomaterials.

Fibre technology, cellulosic materials and functional surfaces for bioeconomy and the region

Our research is developed in close collaboration with the Swedish forest industry and their suppliers, as well as other materials, chemicals, transport and energy sectors. Our aim is to increase industry profitability by improving resource and process efficiency and to support the development of new bio-based products in different sectors. The underlying goal for all of our research is increased resource efficiency, environmental friendliness and circularity in the industrial ecosystem of the region.

FSCN was established in 1999. It has grown from the initial four professors to today´s 13 full-time professors and 26 graduate students. In all the staff consists of 80 researchers.

FSCN and the neighbouring research centre Sensible Things that Communicate (STC) together constitute the research environment Transformative Technologies. Our shared goal is to support the transformation of the industrial ecosystem through bioeconomy and digitalisation. Transformative Technologies is responsible for one third of all research at Mid Sweden University.


Head of FSCN Research centre

Kaarlo Niskanen

Centre Administrator

Anna Haeggström 

Public Relations

Inger Axbrink 

Green Energy

annons green energy

Welcome to our workshop on Green Energy

Read more and register

Meet our researchers

Meet some of our researchers in the field of chemistry and electronics

Christina Dahlstrom tells us more about new cellulosic materials

FSCN Publications

Andres, B. , Dahlström, C. , Blomquist, N. , Norgren, M. & Olin, H. (2018). Cellulose binders for electric double-layer capacitor electrodes : The influence of cellulose quality on electrical properties. Materials & design, vol. 141, pp. 342-349.

Ibrahem, I. , Iqbal, M. N. , Verho, O. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Olsén, P. , Edlund, H. , Tai, C. , Norgren, M. & et al. (2018). Copper Nanoparticles on Controlled Pore Glass and TEMPO for the Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols. ChemNanoMat, vol. 4: 1, pp. 71-75.

Yang, H. , Wang, D. , Li, B. , Zeng, Z. , Qu, L. , Zhang, W. & Chen, H. (2018). Effects of potassium salts loading on calcium oxide on the hydrogen production from pyrolysis-gasification of biomass. Bioresource Technology, vol. 249, pp. 744-750.

Eivazihollagh, A. , Bäckström, J. , Norgren, M. & Edlund, H. (2018). Electrochemical recovery of copper complexed by DTPA and C12-DTPA from aqueous solution using a membrane cell. Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (1986),

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