Ordering articles and books from other libraries (interlibrary loans) - Studentsidor
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Ordering articles and books from other libraries (interlibrary loans)


In order to support your academic studies, the Interlibrary Loan service can order in material that is not held at the Mid Sweden University Library, your local library or available electronically.

All university students (campus and distance), faculty and staff of Mid Sweden University holding a current library account are eligible for borrowing privileges from Interlibrary Loans services. The general public and students in other educational institutions are referred to their local public library.

Items not available for Interlibrary Loans are

  • journals (complete issues)
  • mandatory course or reference literature
  • reading which is not included in your course or research literature
  • items that are held at the Library and items available electronically (for example e-books)

Loan Periods and Lending Rules:

  • You need a valid library account to order Interlibrary Loans.
  • An email will be sent to you when the item is available for pickup.
  • Not all Interlibrary Loans material has the same loan period since the lending library sets the due date. You are however always guaranteed a minimum of 14 days. It is your responsibility to check the return date on the receipt and return the loan on time.
  • Renewals can be requested via the renew your interlibrary loans form.
  • Renewals are not allowed if the item is on hold for someone else. NOTE: In spite of a successful renewal the item can be recalled by the lending library; in which case you are asked to comply with the recall request.

It is always your own responsibility to return or renew your loans. Use My account to manage your library account online.


See the price list for more details.

  • Items supplied from overseas libraries always involve a charge. There is also a charge for renewals of material from overseas libraries.
  • Once you have requested a journal article you are committed to paying for it.
  • The lending library has the right to choose the form of delivery. Rare material, pamphlets etc can be sent as copies, which will entail an extra cost for you.
  • Borrowers are liable for replacing lost or damaged items. This can be done either by providing a new item or by paying the library a standard charge, see our price list.
  • Our Interlibrary Loans service is also available for our collaboration partners. For charges, please see the price list

Requests for Interlibrary Loans

Requests should be made electronically by completing the online interlibrary loan form. Note: Items available in Libris (national catalogue) are dispatched quicker if you have a Libris account.

Service to Overseas Libraries

See details of our Interlibrary Loans service to Overseas Libraries.